Thursday, April 17, 2014



Atheistic liberal-leftists have been warring on religion, God, Christianity, and Christmas for decades and, having succeeded in large part in banning God from public discourse, in mocking Christianity, and in desecrating Christmas, they’ve lately been focusing on attacking Easter.

Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as the central feast of Christianity, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ which in Western Christianity marks the end of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting and penance in preparation for Easter.  Eggs, bonnets, parades, and bunnies long ago supplanted the true significance of the Easter observance but the atheists are hardly finished with their efforts to destroy Christian traditions.

As with most radicals, lib-leftists know to start with small fires in anticipation of igniting greater sociological conflagrations in the future. 

Thus, to cite just two of many absurdities, the little town of Munson, Ohio was forced by agitators to scrap its “Easter Egg Hunt” in favor of a more politically correct  “Spring Egg Hunt” and a sophomore in Seattle was forbidden to call little plastic eggs filled with jellybeans she wanted to present to third graders “Easter eggs” unless she re-named them “spring spheres.”

However, the concerted attack on Easter isn’t simply a name-game and the forces of atheistic negativism are now taking their war down to whole, new levels.

On Wednesday, while insisting he was not comparing Barack Hussein Obama to Jesus Christ, the reliably ridiculous Reverend Al Sharpton did just that on the “Tom Joyner Morning Show.”

Sharpton, who has been aptly described as ”a racial arsonist”, oddly related President Obama to the meaning of Easter by saying, “I think that the message is, no matter what the world may do to unfairly [sic], no matter how your crucified, nailed to the cross at home, or in your personal relationships, or on the job that you can rise if you don’t lose yourself during the hard times and the challenges.”
he reverend with no known flock aside from his fellow black racists went on to nonsensically explain, “The story of Jesus on the cross, no matter what they humiliated him with, no matter how they mocked him he took it, because he knew he could rise. And the story of Easter and my message for this Easter session is no matter what unearned suffering you go through, that if you know you can rise above it, don’t become like the diseases that you fight.”

He added that, (not in any way drawing a Jesus comparison!), “President Obama . . . he’s been able to rise politically again.”

Equally unsubtle in her denigration of Easter, the FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, is turning this year’s White House Easter Egg Roll into a political extravaganza . . . (Read more at

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