Thursday, April 3, 2014

Headlines and Pics Say It All

Headlines and Pics Say It All

Now that Lindsay Lohan has shockingly fessed up that she’s not really a virgin and has written out a list of (male) Hollywood stars she has bedded as of  2013, can we still believe that Lindsay is honest and trustworthy?  Her married and unwed (male) lovers allegedly include Justin Timberlake, Colin Farrell, Zach Efron, the late Heath Ledger and 32 others.  Fortunately for everyone, the superslut’s list didn’t include Justin Bieber or else America might lose its collective lunch–as well as all respect for her!

The fate of the nation is up for grabs in 2016.  Some have speculated that the GOP will lose due in part to the Republican’s visceral hatred of blacks as seen by their efforts to make black people more self-sufficient and their relentless war on women by advocating to save them from bloodthirsty abortionists like Kermit Gosnell. has suggested that Democrats can insure victory with a dream ticket of Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.  That combo would serve to alleviate both male and white guilt although this possibly-photo shopped pic of Hillary/Michelle could turn off sensitive voters.

As in all imperfect worlds, glitches tend to pop up during the quest for unachievable perfection.  One such glitch is Sydney, Australia residient who goes by the name Norrie, a born-male, re-gendered female, who now considers him-her-itself “gender neutral.”  The Australian High Court backed his-her-its case for gender neutrality recognition.  Following a slew of appeals, Norrie was awarded gender neutral status in a unanimous judgment High Court judgment last week, unequivocably verifying that Aussie judges are as nutty as our own esteemed jurists.

America’s borders are a sick joke and the people assigned to protect and defend them are suffering the consequences of that joke.  Not only do Border Patrol agents face the daunting task of protecting and defending the demarcation boundaries that define any nation but they get little or no support from our government which even discourages them from protecting and defending themselves.  The American Civil Liberties Union and their liberal-leftist allies actually campaign against their right to use force when responding to attacks launched by illegal, invading  aliens despite the facts the attacks with sometimes huge rocks often inflict significant injuries on Border Patrol agents.

In the Cairo suburb of Ain Shans, 25 year old Coptic Christian woman, Mary Sameh George, was dragged from her car, beaten, and stabbed to death by a Muslim Brotherhood mob for committing the heinous sin of hanging a Christian cross from her rear-view mirror, proving once again that it’s not nice to disagree with Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamic buddies when the Religion of Peace is offended by symbols of any other religion.  The murder followed mosque prayer services where Muslims may have prayed to Allah for the opportunity to climb onto a Christian’s car, drag out a young woman, beat, maul her, literally tear off parts of her scalp, repeatedly stab her, then slit her throat and, in his bountiful generosity, good, old Allah granted their every wish.
(See the pics at

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