More Stories You Didn't and Won't See on the MSM
By contrast, Ms. Attkisson pointed out to FNC’s Howard Kurtz that she had never encountered comparable shyness on the part of her network or her CBS colleagues when it came to “aggressively” pursuing stories about the George W. Bush administration while many allegations about Barack Hussein Obama’s administration were never aired.
Good grief! Could that be true?
As she explained, when a story that could negatively impact Obama came up, “It never runs. Or it dies the death of a thousand cuts, as some of us say. If it’s something they don’t want, it will be changed and revised and shortened and altered so much that it’s a shadow of its former self if it does air.”
With all due respect to Sharyl–and she deserves a great deal of respect for finally bailing on the liberal-leftist network–where has she been the last five years?
CBS News admitted last August that her personal computer had been hacked by “an unauthorized, external, unknown party on multiple occasions,” a mysterious hacking she had long suspected, but she didn’t resign until March 10 of this year. Granted, the network had refused to let her resign earlier but she could have outed CBS’ partisan censorship policies in the interim, no?
(See “Obama’s ‘Most Feared Reporter,’ Sharyl Atkisson,”
And, countless blockbuster stories have been censored, blocked, or scrapped by the powers-that-be at CBS as well as by their fellow mainstream media cohorts, censorship that could reasonably be characterized as gross, journalistic malpractice–if not criminal misconduct since their failure to report with a fair and balanced approach often encouraged and concealed criminal activities.
Over the course of Obama’s tenure, the MSM has shamelessly covered up . . . (Read more at
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