Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Desperate Warmers, Desperate Lies

Desperate Warmers, Desperate Lies


No one knows better than members of the global warming-cooling-changing cabal that desperate times call for desperate measures. After all, promoters of the scam are well aware that when their fragile house of cards comes  tumbling down their wallets will be much thinner, if not empty, and they will be forced to go out and look for real jobs– during our unending economic doldrums, no less!
If you’ve been hearing strange sounds off in the distance that have been growing louder by the week, it’s not healthcare.gov crashing again.  They’re the sounds of climate cards crashing and the moans of sheer terror emanating from climatic scammers.
They shouldn’t be awfully surprised at that coming sea change, and it won’t be seas rising as they’ve long predicted.
Especially after this brutal winter and other evidence Mother Earth has actually been cooling and not warming for decades, fewer and fewer Americans have been buying into alarmist predictions of imminent catastrophe from global warming, which originally were alarmist predictions of catastrophic global cooling which evolved into alarmist predictions of global warming and then into their ultimate, catchphrase “climate change,” a term invented to cover everything the planet was doing just as it has done for eons.
Now, finally, a major scientific organization, the American Physical Society (APS) has seemingly acknowledged it has been woefully wrong on climate change by appointing to its Panel on Public Affairs three so-called “warming deniers.”
The appointees:
—Professor Richard Lindzen, an esteemed physicist who once called climate change proponents, “mainly just like little kids locking themselves in dark closets to see how much they can scare each other and themselves.”
—John Christy, a professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Alabama, Huntsville, . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=36552.)

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