Saturday, November 16, 2013

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mainly Different

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mainly Different (Part One)


John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was murdered almost 50 years ago in Dallas’ Dealey Square by Lee Harvey Oswald, a malcontented Marxist.  By most  objective accounts, JFK was a mediocre president during his brief tenure as America’s commander in chief and tragically short life of 46 years, a tenure and a life that has been exponentially exaggerated since November 23rd, 1963. With many notable exceptions, Kennedy was much like our 44th president, Barack Hussein Obama. 
A handsome, charismatic man, blessed with an enchanting wife and two beguiling children, JFK accomplished precious little as president over the course of his scant 1,036 days in office, somewhat fewer accomplishments than Obama, yet Jack’s memory still enjoys a distinctive prominence in American political history that will elude Barack, unless one regards abject failure a cause for remembrance.
Not that the illicit romances of American presidents–and their number is almost incalculable–constitute valid reason for chiseling a president’s legacy in stone or face on Mount Rushmore, but they do serve to reflect the fundamental nature and character of those leaders.
Jack was the cat’s meow, the bees’ knees, antiquated expressions describing a cool, stylish guy who had “a way with the ladies,” so to speak.  In short, he was an unreconstructed rake.
Obama seems somewhat more selective in his choice of ”ladies” than Kennedy was, preferring the ladies of “The View” who idolized him as “eye candy, ” (his self-description), and Kennedy preferring to get it on with . . . (Read more at

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