Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Race War in America. Part Two--The Knockout Game

Race War in America. Part Two--The Knockout Game

 (The following dialogue is excerpted or adapted from TRU-tv’s “Bait Car.”  The context is different in that it involves the very popular “knockout” game and not stealing cars but the language and participants are identical.  It also represents the latest development in America’s ongoing race war that few recognize or refuse to concede even exists.)

Hey, Dawg!  Wanna do sumpin?  Ah’m bored.
Ah dunno.  Whatcha wanna do?
Ah dunno.  How’s ’bout clockin’ sum cracker?
Ya mean like dat knockout game?  Leroy done ben doin’ dat fo’ years!
Yeah, but now all da boyz is doin’ it and dey all gets away wid it!  And dose motherf**kin’ honkies is coverin’ fo’ us!
Cool, ni**ah, let’s jest get it on den!  Ah needs some scrilla! 
No, no, fool!  We don’ rob ‘em!  We jes knock dose crackers upside dere heads! 
Jes fo’ fun?  
Jes fo’ fun and cuz we bored! 

That fictional exchange between black youths–as well as among some not so youthful blacks–has been going on in America for years, as “Leroy” pointed out, but has only recently mushroomed into an epidemic of black violence against whites and anyone else who isn’t black. 

Now “the knockout game” is being played out nationwide in such cities as New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, St. Louis, Lansing, San Francisco, and even in the nation’s capital, home to the man ultimately responsible for the hate crime mayhem, President Barack Hussein Obama. 

Some of Obama’s mainstream media are grudgingly and hesitantly getting around to reporting incidents of that spreading mayhem yet still refuse to label the attacks for what they are, concerted if yet uncoordinated instances of black hate crimes.   

Fearing the truth, other extreme liberal leftists such as those on Slate.com are reporting the existence of the knockout game but denying it’s a growing trend, that it is at epidemic levels, or that it’s racially motivated: “Most sources claim that it is spreading, and a number of sources claim that it is racially motivated. But how do they know? Where are they getting their data from?” 

It seems lib-leftists require written permission from Obama or maybe being sucker-punched themselves before they admit the obvious, a realization Philly’s black Mayor Michael Nutter sort of grasps. 

Nutter convened a press conference on Monday to try to prevent the “game” from spreading to Philadelphia, blithely ignoring the fact it had already arrived in Northeast Philly and in Lower Merion and not mentioning the salient and damning reality that it is being “played” exclusively by blacks. 

On Thursday, O’Reilly Factor guest, African-American lesbian civil rights activist, Jasmyne Cannick, . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=34274.)

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