Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Downfall of Alec Baldwin?

The Downfall of Alec Baldwin?


Most people have heard of Shakespeare’s famous and perceptive quotation about people that, “some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.”  Few people have heard of his less famous observation about people that, “some are born lucky, some make their own luck and some get away with atrocious behavior because they must know people in high places who let them get away with that conduct,” mainly since The Bard never wrote that.

Still–with apologies to Shakespeare–the latter non-quote fits the 55 year old arch liberal-leftist actor, Obama supporter, frustrated politician, and animal rights activist Alexander Rae Baldwin, better known as Alec Baldwin, to a perfect T. 
Baldwin has boldly and disgracefully gone where few if any Hollywood types have ever dared to go before, from hysterically screaming at his then-11 year old daughter Ireland, calling her “a rude, thoughtless, little pig” and threatening to “straighten [her] ass out,” to being tossed from an American Airlines flight after he became rudely belligerent, to dropping his pants on the Dave Letterman show. 
And those were only his familial and social explosions. 
When it comes to Baldwin’s wildly intemperate politically-related observations, he has notably and publicly said, “If we were in another country we  . . . would stone [conservative Republican congressman] Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they’re doing to this country.” 
He referred to former Vice President Dick Cheney as a terrorist, without providing any evidence that Cheney is anything other than a committed patriot.  
He characterized conservative commentator Sean Hannity as”a no-talent, ignorant fool,” “a cabin boy,” and “the Larry Flynt of talk radio, and compared Hannity’s behavior to “the stupidity that people often refer to when they think of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin.” 
He demeaned the late conservative publisher and commentator Andrew Breitbart as a “festering boil on the anus of public discourse.”
Nevertheless, despite all Baldwin’s exhibitions of classlessness and boorishness, despite his veiled threats and political slanders, despite his execrable gutter language, he retained his enviable status as Hollywood’s and TV land’s and Capital One Bank’s fair-haired-now-grey-haired boy.  The fact his admirers could overlook his many character flaws and nasty foibles is not surprising, however.  Aside from his vicious verbal attacks on a young child, maybe, his Tinseltown and television buddies probably approve heartily everything he has said and done.
Why Capital One, my own bank, keeps him on as a spokesman, though, is a mystery. 
A more profound mystery is why Baldwin has escaped censure and condemnation for his repeated homophobic eruptions, dating back years.  If Alec has been mercilessly savage with regard to gays, which he has been, the homosexual community has been equally ruthless in recent years in retaliating against any and all perceived offenders and offenses, reasonable or not. . . . (Read more at

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