Monday, November 11, 2013

Nothing Seems to Startle Anyone Anymore

Nothing Seems to Startle Anyone Anymore 

A selection of non-startling events:

When the editorial page editor of the so-called “Paper of Record" freely admits “We have a high threshold for whether someone lied,” no one even blinks.

When a gang of blacks rape a 16-year-old white girl, beat her so badly that she bled from her ears and  videotape their unprovoked attack, few people are incensed.

When the nation’s most prolific abortion provider announces a plan to instruct teens and even pre-schoolers on how to have sex, no one seems to care.

When a noted law center which boasts that it fights hate, teaches tolerance, and seeks justice charges that the recent LAX shooter was inspired by “far-right homophobes,” not many object.

When a raunchy, homosexual is paid $24,000 for a speech at an American university, including how-to discussions with students on gay perversions, no public uproar ensues.

When a former black congressman and a highly-acclaimed, black conservative economist and social theorist, predict that our country is on the precipice of an all-out race war, who demands an investigation into that possibility? 

You would think the average American would sit up and take serious notice of what’s going on in our country today.  But, they’re not.

Brainwashed by President Barack Hussein Obama and his dedicated henchmen in the mainstream media into believing lying is fine when it comes to shielding the president, persuaded that white girls tend to lie after being raped, convinced that Planned Parenthood is committed to planning parenthood, certain that those who differ on same-sex marriage are murderous lunatics, encouraged to permit obscene Bible-mockers to speak to their children, and convinced that a potential race war in America is merely the product of a disturbed figment of twisted, conservative minds, most Americans today opt to ignore those ugly realities rather than confront them. . . .  (Read more at

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