Sunday, November 24, 2013

Race War in America. Part One: the NBPP

Race War in America. Part One: the NBPP


The signs, the threats, the warnings and the reality that a murderous race war in America is lurking in our very near future have been on full display for at least five years.  Yet, most Americans are oblivious and in a state of denial that such a war could ever happen here, just as most are unwilling to accept the notion that our nation would or could ever be dominated by a minority intent on accomplishing total dominance over the majority even if that dominance is achieved via all-out, bloody conflict.
Those who dismiss that scenario should consider the New Black Panther Party’s repeated calls for a race war between blacks and whites in our country.  They should consider the recent eruption of blacks attacking whites as part of a “game” of knocking out and sometimes killing innocent white people. They should consider that an admitted black racist works for the Department of Homeland Security despite publicly advocating for a race war against whites.  They should consider that black violence nationwide against virtually everyone not black has reached and surpassed epidemic proportions.

They should consider all those chilling facts of life in Barack Hussein Obama’s America today but they probably won’t because the president’s mainstream media, which dictate what most people know, believe, and understand, persist in covering them up in the interests of political correctness and of maintaining racial peace.

Obviously, that effort isn’t working.

Indeed, the MSM is exacerbating our ongoing racial war by concealing the ugly truths concerning race relations and racial violence in America and thereby providing a certain immunity and encouragement for violent elements in our society to continue their bloody war.

The virulently racist New Black Panther Party, the NBPP, the ostensibly more civil, unofficial successor to the original virulently racist Black Panthers that featured such luminaries as Huey Newton, Elaine Brown, current Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush, and Kanye West’s “reformed” father, Ray West, among other thugs and insurrectionists, never really changed its stripes.

The NBPP, established in 1989, has frequently demonstrated it has changed in name only. . . (Read more at

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