Lies, Damned Lies, and Obama Lies
In Samuel Langhorne Clemens’/Mark Twain’s “Chapters from My
Autobiography,” the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn quoted Benjamin Disraeli’s memorable
observation that “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and
Were Mark Twain alive today, he might have appended, “and outrageous
lies used to cover up previous outrageous lies.”
America’s well-established Liar-in-Chief, President Barack Hussein Obama, has now outdone his habit of deceitful prevarication with his baldfaced fabrication that he never, ever, ever, promised that, “If you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period,” despite the fact he has been captured on video on at least 29 occasions telling Americans they could do just that and thereby avoid being assigned to an Obamacare-approved health plan and physician.
In a classic instance of cynically dishonest revisionism, delivered to what Rush Limbaugh describes as low-information voters on Monday at the St. Regis hotel in Washington, Obama tried to rectify that widespread, oft-videotaped misperception by announcing, “What we said was you could keep [your health plan] if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed.”
A less-dignified observer than I would characterize that sheer bullshit as sheer bullshit.
Our Liar-in-Chief explained the exception–his gross lie–to his enthusiastic supporters (and just coincidentally Obamacare beneficiaries) by declaring, “If we had allowed these old plans [to continue] . . . then we would have broken an even more important promise–making sure that Americans gain access to health care that doesn’t leave them one illness away from financial ruin. So the bottom line is, is that we are making the insurance market better for everybody.”
“Better” may be a matter of interpretation but few people who are forced into a government-operated health plan, forced out of a medical plan they may have had and liked for years, and forced to hunt for a new, Obamacare-approved doctor when they had long trusted and relied on their former physician(s) will consider themselves anything but better off. . . (Read more at
America’s well-established Liar-in-Chief, President Barack Hussein Obama, has now outdone his habit of deceitful prevarication with his baldfaced fabrication that he never, ever, ever, promised that, “If you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period,” despite the fact he has been captured on video on at least 29 occasions telling Americans they could do just that and thereby avoid being assigned to an Obamacare-approved health plan and physician.
In a classic instance of cynically dishonest revisionism, delivered to what Rush Limbaugh describes as low-information voters on Monday at the St. Regis hotel in Washington, Obama tried to rectify that widespread, oft-videotaped misperception by announcing, “What we said was you could keep [your health plan] if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed.”
A less-dignified observer than I would characterize that sheer bullshit as sheer bullshit.
Our Liar-in-Chief explained the exception–his gross lie–to his enthusiastic supporters (and just coincidentally Obamacare beneficiaries) by declaring, “If we had allowed these old plans [to continue] . . . then we would have broken an even more important promise–making sure that Americans gain access to health care that doesn’t leave them one illness away from financial ruin. So the bottom line is, is that we are making the insurance market better for everybody.”
“Better” may be a matter of interpretation but few people who are forced into a government-operated health plan, forced out of a medical plan they may have had and liked for years, and forced to hunt for a new, Obamacare-approved doctor when they had long trusted and relied on their former physician(s) will consider themselves anything but better off. . . (Read more at
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