Thursday, January 16, 2014

If You Like Your Leftists You Can Keep Your Leftists, But Why Would You Want To?

If You Like Your Leftists You Can Keep Your Leftists, But Why Would You Want To?
As the incredible number of our leftist president’s lies grows into even more incredible numbers, as his favorable ratings plunge beneath Nixonian depths, as his fellow leftists spew and spin more and more incredulities, as America’s police departments continue to provide him cover with reciprocal lies, for some inexplicable reason, Barack Hussein Obama is still in office!
Those current situations sadly reinforce the truth in the grossly cynical view of H.L. Mencken that “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” 

Just consider:

After winning’s “Lie of the Year” award for his broken pledge that, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” Obama had the audacity to nominate a proud defender of a proud cop-killer to run Eric Holder’s Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division as an assistant attorney general and chose a leftist, major campaign donor to investigate the IRS’ scandal involving his administration’s perversion of justice by targeting conservatives.

Both picks make Caligula’s choice of his favorite horse, Incitatus, to be a Roman Consul seem sane.

If confirmed, black NAACP Legal Defense Official Debo P. Adegbile, who has worked for years to free  convicted murderer Abu-Jamal from prison and will assist AG Holder in investigating and prosecuting only white civil rights violators since Holder is already on record as saying minorities will not be targeted by his DoJ.  

Adding brazen insult to brazen misrepresentations, Justice Department trial lawyer, Barbara Kay Bosserman, who contributed over $6,000 to Obama’s two presidential campaigns, will be in charge of the long-awaited  investigation into the IRS-Tea Party scandal.

In closely related news, Federal Bureau of Investigation officials said recently that its investigators found no IRS political bias or “enemy hunting” that would amount to a violation of criminal law.  This, of course, is now the Obama-Holder FBI, not the FBI of old which was noted for its honesty and integrity. 

Not unexpectedly, Obama’s leftist co-conspirators, his mainstream media, his lackeys, have demonstrated their allegiance to their Master by . . . (Read more at

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