Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Dire State of the American Union

The Dire State of the American Union

Regardless of what pap President Barack Hussein Obama serves up to the American people when he delivers his State of the Union speech on Tuesday, most if not all of it will be meaningless.

His expected appeal to end America’s “income inequality” by hiking the national minimum wage and extending federal unemployment benefits, his assurances that Obamacare is a rousing success, his pleas to fix our broken immigration policies, his dire warnings about global warming, his misrepresentations of our sputtering economy, his rosy descriptions of his foreign policy achievements? 

All are meaningless since Obama has effectively declared he doesn’t give a damn about anything anyone thinks.

His only real concern is the November 4th midterm elections which promise to either make or break the final two years of his presidency.

The SOTU is delivered annually to a joint session of Congress in accordance with the Constitution’s mandate under Article II, Section 3 that the president “shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”

Obama’s recommendations to Congress in 2014 have never been more “necessary and expedient” at the same time they have never been more useless and irrelevant since he has already indicated his intent to bypass our legislators to get his way.  As he arrogantly, petulantly told his Cabinet recently, “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone–and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball.”

Obama’s liberal-leftist “balls” have largely been thwarted by ballsy Republican conservatives in the House of Representatives so our reputed constitutional scholar-president has decided he will simply ignore the Constitution and Congress by “legislating” via executive fiat in order to advance his extremist agenda.

Adolph Hitler and Joe Stalin must be Barack Obama’s unacknowleged heroes, in addition to his known heroes Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers, all of whom would gleefully approve his unprecedented, authoritarian power grab.

When Obama struts to the podium next Tuesday, the most important issues facing our country will not be troubling him at all. . . (Read more at

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