Monday, January 6, 2014

Guns, Love 'Em or Hate 'Em

Guns, Love 'Em or Hate 'Em

No matter what Americans think of them, guns, although inanimate objects, by their nature and construction are fearsome things capable of sending projectiles of various sorts into military targets, into animals, and into people. 

Likewise, no matter what Americans think of them, efforts at passing gun control regulations aimed at restricting the possession, shipment, or sale of firearms, by their nature and construction are fearsome things capable of inflicting what could be irreparable damage to our freedoms and our Constitution.

No one in his right mind would be opposed to restricting gun possession by mentally ill individuals, precisely the public rationale used by President Barack Hussein Obama in his recent proposals to bypass Congress through executive actions issued by the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services.  Intentionally key in both proposals is state sharing of all information gathered with the federal database, effectively an administration end-run toward national gun registration.

Foiled repeatedly by the Republican House of Representatives in accomplishing that goal and other sweeping gun controls, our firearm-fixated president is committed to imposing his will on the American people out of allegedly deep concern over protecting innocent victims from such massacres as Sandy Hook, regardless of the reality that his planned measures will have no real effect in preventing future, similar tragedies.

A new study–the latest of many ignored by liberal-leftists intent on controlling everything in our lives, especially guns–once again essentially confirms that strict gun control laws actually lead to higher murder rates and that regulating so-called “assault weapons” has little impact on murder rates.

The study, conducted by Quinnipiac University economist Mark Gius and published in the journal “Applied Economics Letters,” is titled, “An Examination of the Effects of Concealed Weapons Laws and Assault Weapons Bans on State-level Murder Rates.” 

Based on data accumulated from 1980 to 2009, the controlled study also clearly indicates that states with laws governing concealed weapons had higher gun-related murder rates than other states.

See the complete study, which will have absolutely no influence on the un-thinking lib-left, here . Gun control fanatics refuse to be intimidated by contradictory facts or differing points of view.

For example, amid all the administration-staged, anti-gun propaganda on Sandy Hook–the congressional testimony by grieving parents, the photo-ops featuring fearful children, the emotional declarations condemning firearms–little attention was paid to the words spoken by the father of a Sandy Hook Elementary School child last January 28th. . . . (Read more at

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