Obama Lauds Communist, Pete Seeger
Pete Seeger finally went to his eternal reward, or final
punishment, on Tuesday at the ripe old age of 94 years, again proving the
truism that only the good die young. May he rest in the Communist hell he very
richly deserves.
Wait! Pete who?
For the younguns out there, Seeger, born to a comfortable, activist,
Calvinist yet musical family with roots stretching back as far as the American
Revolution, was a popular folk singer in the fifties and sixties.
Inventor of the Long Neck or Seeger banjo, introducer of the Steel
Pan to American music, co-founding star of the ”progressive” singing groups, the
Almanac Singers and the Weavers, Seeger was also a professed Communist.
A proud pacifist, Seeger argued against America’s entry into World
War Two while the Nazis were allies of the Soviet Union and changed his mind
after they weren’t. A great admirer of North Vietnam during the Vietnam War
who, following his visit during the height of that conflict, “came away ecstatic
about the beautiful country and the peace-loving people there” according to
historian Ron Radosh.
Most tellingly, the inventor of the Long Neck banjo opposed American
military action against the Taliban after 9/11. May Allah forbid that we seek
retribution for the wanton Islamic murder of 2,996 defenseless human
Just as he had changed his view on the merits of entering WWII when
it looked like we wouldn’t be fighting the U.S.S.R., Seeger flipped on his
Communist leanings but in a 2000 interview with Mother Jones admitted,
“I’m still a Communist, in the sense that I don’t believe the world will survive
with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.” . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=35419.)
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