Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Eliot Spitzer--The Man, the Politician, the Snake

Eliot Spitzer--the Man, the Politician, the Snake


Eliot Laurence Spitzer, the 54 year old New Yorker born to privilege in the exclusive Riverdale section of the Bronx, the son of Anne (née Goldhaber), an English literature professor, and Bernard Spitzer, a wealthy real estate mogul, and the grandson of Galician Jews and Jewish Palestinian immigrants, may have made the greatest mistake of his life by never having his Bar Mitzvah, according to which 13 year old Jewish boys, future Jewish men, become accountable for their actions. \
Poor Eliot clearly never quite learned the specifics of that accountability.

Prior to becoming a bar mitzvah, a Jewish boy’s parents are held responsible for whatever he does but afterwards he is supposed to bear total  responsibility for his actions according Jewish law, tradition, and ethics.  Understanding and accepting those responsibilities could have greatly benefited the over-achieving Spitzer in his various careers as well as in his personal life.  They could also have saved him from the disgrace that followed.

Spitzer gained his greatest notoriety after working for two years as an assistant D.A. in the office of Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau and then launching two bids for the position of NYS Attorney General.  Thanks to an admittedly huge infusion of family money, he finally, barely, won that highly-coveted position in 1998 by a miniscule margin of 0.6% and, as an incumbent, was re-elected handily four years later.

It was during his 8-year tenure as AG that Spitzer showed his true, overreaching colors when he effectively usurped federal government  prerogatives of investigating and prosecuting corporate white-collar crime, securities fraud, Internet fraud, environmental violations, and subpoenaing witnesses and corporate records. 

He succeeded in gaining national recognition and a reputation as a political Mr. Clean and was even considered as Democrat Party vice presidential material in 2004, all in spite of questions concerning earlier illegal campaign financing.

Financed again by that same family money, Spitzer, and his wealthy father, virtually bought the New York governorship in 2006 and soon after, the ignominious downfall of Eliot L. Spitzer began.

Spitzer ultimately admitted he had regularly engaged the services of high-priced prostitution service, Emperors Club VIP, and paid for sex with $1,000-an-hour call girls, (his favorite hooker was 22 year old Ashley Dupré), despite being married for 25 years to Silda Wall, a successful Southern Baptist attorney in her own right.

Reports show he spent as much as $80,000 for prostitutes during his years as Attorney General and Governor yet Spitzer is alleged to have misused campaign funds to pay for rooms in Washington’s Mayflower Hotel to carry on his illicit assignations.

The “reform governor” resigned the governorship . . . (Read more at

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