Thursday, January 30, 2014

What the Hell Is Going On in Obama's FEMA?

What the Hell Is Going On in Obama's FEMA?


As often noted, even paranoiacs have enemies; with the Obama administration, their paranoia verges on reasonable concern.  (See the disclaimer at the end of this article.)

For more than five years, President Barack Hussein Obama and his lackeys have been caught in more than enough lies, misrepresentations, and subterfuges to fill the Super Bowl’s MetLife Stadium to overflowing with enough left over to carpet New York City’s Bowl Boulevard, more than sufficient lies, misrepresentations, and subterfuges to give pause to any self-respecting paranoiaic’s worst visions of what lies ahead for us.

Last year, they wondered where the two billion .40 caliber, 9mm and hollow point bullets purchased by our Department of Homeland Security went and why.

They wondered where the 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles, (MRAPs–retrofitted fighting vehicles, designed to survive improvised explosive devices, ambushes, and land mines), went and why.

They wondered where the drones, which Attorney General Eric Holder said “could conceivably. . . [be used by the military] if necessary to protect the homeland” before he retracted that outrage by denying Obama would ever “use drone strikes against American citizens on American soil,” went and why.

They wondered where the 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, the supplies of body armor, and the riot gear requisitioned by the DHS over the past two years went and why.
(See “Where Have All the Bullets Gone?”   

Now, those nutty paranoiacs are in a dither over reports that the president’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is setting up internment camps and has bought loads of coffin liners. 

According to BeforeIt’, Obama referenced the FEMA camps and explained their purposes.  He couldn’t very well describe them as concentration camps and instead opted for the somewhat less intimidating term, “Prolonged Detention” camps.

An aficionado of executive orders, our commander in chief has issued a number of such orders supposedly in the interests of protecting America in the event of a national security emergency.  They would effectively authorize seizure and control of all communications networks ”including cell phones and internet and all sources of utilities/energy including gasoline, water, and electricity,” amid reports of the establishment of those FEMA camps and leaked news from the DHS that Martial Law is on the way.  

If absolutely necessary, of course.

Since drone attacks against Americans have already been ruled out by Mr. Holder, there’s no need yet for us to head for bomb shelters, especially since bomb shelters are virtually non-existent in America anyway, except for critical government employees.

It’s been theorized that our most critically-critical government employee, Obama, wants the concentration/internment camps just in case Americans rise up against his unconstitutionally authoritarian rule and he has to quell a mass rebellion.

The paranoid fear is that, after disarming the populace and rendering them defenseless,  Obama would require somewhere to house survivors and coffins to bury the murdered before their rotting corpses stank up the country.   Hence, the absolute necessity of the FEMA camps and expending upwards of a billion dollars for disposable coffin liners to bury the dead. . . . (Read more at

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