Friday, January 17, 2014

Nuns: Not What They Used To Be

Nuns: Not What They Used To Be

Atheist, lesbian, abortionist, ”progressive” Valerie Tarico, member of Planned Parenthood’s Board of Advocates, recently predicted on that  “religious fundamentalism [i.e., orthodox Christianity] is going down.” 

Based on the current state of Catholic nuns in America, Ms. Tarico may have a point.

Back in the good old days when I sometimes studied under the tutelage of the Sisters of Charity at Saints Peter and Paul’s Elementary School in the South Bronx, nuns were a different breed altogether from what they are today.  Mostly tough, old teachers, with a smattering of sweet, younger women, they all shared common religious convictions and dedication to their Church and to educating the young, sometimes with the help of a yardstick.

Not so much, today. 

Freed of the religious habit and the convent, most American nuns have turned in their yardsticks and now live out in the real world dressed in everyday clothing and many have adopted that world’s liberal-leftist attitudes and mores to the detriment of their vocations, a radical change that plays right into the hands of liberal-leftist politicians.

In case anyone hasn’t noticed, religion–principally the Christian religion and particularly the Roman Catholic religion–has been under unrelenting attack by our president and his acolytes in the state-run media who are committed to secularizing America at the same time they undermine religious foundations.

Aiding and abetting that secularization and undermining is Sister Joan Chittister, member and former prioress of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Pennsylvania, a typical example of today’s new nuns. . . . (Read more at

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