Monday, December 30, 2013

Rose Bowl Gay

Rose Bowl Goes Gay


The traditional “America’s New Year Celebration,” the 125th Tournament of Roses Parade combined with the 100th Rose Bowl Game, is scheduled to celebrate those anniversaries on January 1, 2014 by joining together in a very un-traditional matrimony of two homosexuals, Aubrey Loots and Danny Leclair, atop the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s wedding cake-shaped float which will fittingly bring up the parade rear.

Aside from anyone’s personal or religious feelings about men marrying other men and women wedding other women, a practice still banned in the majority of American states and the world, questions of propriety and purpose come to the forefront. 

That is, Is it reasonable and proper to sanction performance of a wedding during what has always been an apolitical, non-controversial, non-sectarian event?  Also, What is the intent of officials of such an event, who specifically proposed it, and why?

Those questions may never be answered though a new Facebook page campaign against the planned wedding ceremony,, asks opponents to stay home and not watch either the parade or the game on television in protest and to boycott the sponsors. 

The page suggests that, because of the gay AIDS float, this year’s parade theme of “Dreams Come True” is more akin to a nightmare for many millions of people. . . . (Read more at

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