Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Surprise! Obama's Uncle Omar Gets a Free Pass!

Surprise! Obama's Uncle Omar Gets a Free Pass!


The administrative judge for the Department of Justice who cut a bunch of slack to allow our president’s “Dear Aunt Zeituni,” an illegal alien, to remain in the United States in 2010 has now seen fit to do likewise for her brother, Obama’s illegal alien “Uncle Omar.” 


According to the Boston Globe, “US Immigration Judge Leonard I. Shapiro issued his ruling from the bench. He said he believed Onyango Obama was a gentleman, a good neighbor, paid his taxes, and met the criteria for legal permanent residency, commonly known as a green card.”

Judge Shapiro rendered that considered opinion despite the facts that “Uncle Omar,” as nephew Barack affectionately called him in Dreams from My Father, had illegally overstayed his student visa by over forty years, was ordered deported in 1986 and 1989, lost his appeal in 1992, ignored the deportation orders, and had been charged with DUI, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, and failure to yield the right of way in Framingham, Massachusetts in 2011.

The Globe, which like the New York Times only prints the news that fits, tucked in the very relevant note at the very end of “Obama’s Uncle Allowed to Remain in US, Judge Rules” that Shapiro “is the same immigration judge who approved an asylum request for Onyango Obama’s sister, Zeituni, in 2010. She attended [Tuesday's] hearing to show her support for her brother and to testify on his behalf, but Shapiro said he did not need to hear from her.”

Of course he didn’t.  Why needlessly waste time?  The fix was in!
Just as with Zeituni, . . . (

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