Friday, December 13, 2013

Annual War on Christmas: Satanists

Annual War on Christmas: Satanists

Atheists may be the most persistent warriors against Christmas and Christians but their close cousins, satanists, have to be the scariest and most repulsive by far.

Reportedly numbering as many as 100,000 in a world of seven billion souls, satanists have succeeded in gaining some degree of social acceptance and are now permitted to serve in the British Royal Navy and the U.S. Supreme Court has even debated if satanists in prisons are entitled to  constitutionally protected “religious” rights, although whether satanism should reasonably be classified as a “religion” is itself debatable.

What isn’t debatable or questionable, whether they be “theistic satanists” who worship Lucifer as a god or so-called “philosophical satanists” who believe  the fallen archangel represents a symbol of negative human traits, they are closely related to atheists, all of whom share a common antipathy toward celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Perhaps in an effort to demonstrate that atheists and satanists have a sense of (disturbed) humor, a menorah outside the Florida State House in Tallahassee was replaced by a six-foot Festivus pole constructed from Pabst Blue Ribbon beer cans in the middle of a nativity scene by Chaz Stevens.

The Deerfield Beach resident petulantly declared, “They opened the door. If they’re going to allow a menorah, a crèche, a Pabst Blue, a Ribbon pole, maybe a Flying Spaghetti Monster.  It’s all or none.”

As insulting to Christians and Jews as Stevens’ protest was, both his Festivus beer poll can readily be dismissed as examples of fruitcakery run amok.
Not so with the more dedicated Satan worshippers, . . . (Read more at

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