Monday, December 23, 2013

Annual War on Christmas: Jerks

Annual War on Christmas: Jerks


Charles, Prince of Wales, heir apparent to Great Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving heir apparent in British history and the oldest heir to the throne in 300 years, may never become King of England in part because he’s a dumb jerk but mainly because his mother, the future Queen Mum knows it and would rather he be forced to tear the crown off her cold, dead head than see him installed as Britain’s monarch.

That said, the twit who was once caught confessing to his mistress Camilla that he thought it would be a “wonderful idea” to serve as her tampon, does actually say the right thing on occasion.

At a reception for religious leaders at Clarence House last week, Prince Charles addressed an issue that has been mostly ignored by President Barack Hussein Obama, namely that Christians are being persecuted for their religion in the Middle East and North Africa by fundamentalist Islamists.

Without calling the situation a War on Christians, a corrollary to the War on Christmas, Bonnie Prince Charlie semi-redeemed himself as a jerk in the eyes of normal people–if not his mum’s–which is a very good thing since we have more than enough jerks in those wars.

Here are a selected few:

—In Las Vegas, Ana Berumen reported that an unknown individual or individuals have been vandalizing her baby Angel Gabriel’s gravesite, most recently by stealing a little Christmas tree that had been placed next to his headstone and by destroying a solar light system for the tree lights.

—ESPN refused the week before to air a commercial for a Catholic children’s medical center in Missouri because the ad mentioned God and Jesus and included the offensive words, ”God’s healing,” and “We celebrate the birth of Jesus!”  To its credit, though only in reaction to a massive public outcry, ESPN quickly reversed its decision banning the Christmas commercial sponsored by St. Louis’s Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center.
— columnist Dean Obeidallah posted a story with the lead, “They’re terrified America’s tiny number of atheists will change the meaning of the holiday. But conservatives are the ones who are really at war with its message.”  His peculiar reasoning?  Unlike Christ, conservative Christians obviously don’t give a damn about the poor since they think Obamacare is an abomination.
—Punk rockers, those virtuosos of virtuosity, good taste, and decorum, have joined the War on Christmas in the persons of members of Bad Religion, a band which flaunts atheism in their new album, “Christmas Songs.”  They conclude “American Jesus” by referencing God as “the farmer’s barren  fields, the force the army wields, the expression on the faces of the starving  millions/The power of the man, He’s the fuel that drives the Klan, He’s the  motive and conscience of the murderer/The nuclear bombs, the kids with no moms, and I’m fearful that he’s inside me.”
—The twisted members of Bad Religion should have no fear of God being inside of them anymore than the anti-Christmas/anti-Christian warriors at RJO Intermediate School in Kings Park, New York. . . (Read more at 

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