Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hobby Lobby Believes in God over Profits

Hobby Lobby Believes in God over Profits


(The following letter written by David Green, founder and CEO of the crafts chain Hobby Lobby, outlining the company’s legal struggles–just one of 63 nationwide–against the federal government’s unconstitutional attempts to run roughshod over religious freedom in America is more than a year old but remains an open case.  It is published here, with a few bracketed clarifications, to alert the American people to the true issues involved and since, as Green observes, President Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media won’t publicize his views.
The letter originally appeared as an op-ed piece in USA Today and since then U.S. District Judge Joe Heaton issued a preliminary injunction for Hobby Lobby and its sister company, the Mardel Christian bookstore chain, and granted the case a temporary stay; it may still end up in the Supreme Court. 

Should the government prevail, Mr. Green indicates he would have no other choices but to close all of Hobby Lobby’s 556 stores in 45 states employing almost 23,000 people or effectively submit to demands he and his family abandon their Christian moral beliefs.) 

The Letter:

When my family and I started our company 40 years ago, we were working out of a garage on a $600 bank loan, assembling miniature picture frames.  Our first retail store wasn’t much bigger than most people’s living rooms, but we had faith that we would succeed if we lived and worked according to God’s word.

From there, Hobby Lobby has become one of the nation’s largest arts and crafts retailers, with more than 500 locations in 41 states. Our children grew up into fine business leaders, and today we run Hobby Lobby together, as a family.

We’re Christians, and we run our business on Christian principles. I’ve always said that the first two goals of our business are (1) to run our business in harmony with God’s laws, and (2) to focus on people more than money And that’s what we’ve tried to do. We close early so our employees can see their families at night. We keep our stores closed on Sundays, one of the week’s biggest shopping days, so that our workers and their families can enjoy a day of rest.
We believe that it is by God’s grace that Hobby Lobby has endured, and he has blessed us and our employees. We’ve not only added jobs in a weak economy, we’ve raised wages for the past four years in a row. Our full-time employees start at 80% above minimum wage.
But now, our government threatens to change all of that. . . (Read more at

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