Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Annual War on Christmas: Atheists

Annual War on Christmas: Atheists

As expected, they’re at it again!

From atheists to satanists, from misanthropes to malcontents, from people who simply want to protest against religious tradition to people who are hardcore urban and suburban guerillas who want to destroy anything and everything of value, they all converge like ravenous vermin every year around this time of year to rail and rant against Christmas and, directly or indirectly, against Christians.

You have to wonder what’s wrong with them, what’s absent from their sad lives that incites and motivates them, what deep, dark places in their souls compel them to act and speak so venomously toward an innocuous national holiday of festive celebration.

This year, atheists are once again in the anti-Christmas spotlight as personified by uber-atheist Dave Muscato, PR director for American Atheists who attacked longtime Christmas/Christian defender Bill O’Reilly for his obsessed persecution complex.

Muscato took umbrage over O’Reilly’s most recent Christmas crusade in which the Fox News personality psychoanalyzed atheists in an effort to determine the bases for their bitter anger over religion and Christmas.  Bill O’Reilly is no shrink and maybe should have left psychoanalysis to neo-Freudians but, instead of picking up on his lack of expertise, the equally-unqualified Muscato sought to analyze O’Reilly. 

Muscato feels O’Reilly is desperately trying to prove the existence of oppression in America and “has this fantasy that Christians are being persecuted” . . . (Read more at

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