Sunday, December 15, 2013

Exploiting Sandy Hook Victims

Exploiting Sandy Hook Victims

The sickening tragedy visited on twenty innocent kids and six school personnel by a deranged madman a year ago was gut-wrenching for the residents of Newtown, Connecticut and for all Americans.  Capitalizing in any way or for any purpose on that horrific event represents a disgraceful insult to Adam Lanza’s victims and the people of Newtown and the frenzied anti-gun lobby is in the vanguard of those shameless Sandy Hook exploiters.

Despite incontrovertible evidence that guns save more lives than end lives; despite statistical proof that gun violence is more prevalent in states and municipalities with the strictest gun control laws; despite the reality that criminals will always be able to find and use weapons against law-abiding citizens no matter the law; despite the trite yet true axiom that people, not guns, kill people, liberal-leftists continue their cynical campaign to exploit what happened in Newtown.

Led by our propagandist in chief who used his Saturday radio address to push for national gun controls and seconded by his acolytes in the US Senate like Sen. Dick Durban, et al., their exploitation is having little effect as Americans are purchasing guns in record numbers, an estimated 300 million Americans now own one or more, and Obama’s much-beloved Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry continue to churn out ultra-violent movies and video ”games.”

One of Barack Hussein Obama’s most ardent supporters committed one of the most blatant exploitations of the Sandy Hook horror.  WaPo,, saw fit to publish a story clearly designed to create fodder for future diatribes against the Second Amendment. 

Titled, “What’s Your Gun Number? Share Your Gun Story,” the article even provided an online form asking questions such as “How many people do you know who have been killed or injured by gun violence?” and . . . " (Read more at

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