Sunday, December 8, 2013

Impeaching and Convicting Obama Are Non-Starters, Unfortunately

Impeaching and Convicting Obama Are Non-Starters, Unfortunately


Defined by the Constitution as applying to “The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States” for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” impeachment is essentially an accusation of corruption, criminality or substantial abuse of power. 
On the federal level, impeachment is a rarity employed only 50 times in American history with a mere third ending in a trial.  Federal officeholders ranging from cabinet members to the president and the chief justice can be impeached in a two-stage process originating in the House and culminating in the Senate which determines the guilt or innocence of the accused by a two-thirds majority vote and possible removal from office.

That last provision will insure that President Barack Hussein Obama will never be found guilty even if he is ultimately impeached.

Almost forty years ago in May 1974, the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee began formal impeachment hearings against Republican President Richard M. Nixon on charges related to the Watergate scandal and his attempts to cover up the criminality involved. 
Nixon avoided impeachment by resigning and was later pardoned by Republican President Gerald R. Ford.

Almost fifteen years ago in December, 1998, a Republican-controlled House of Representatives succeeded in impeaching Democrat President William J. Clinton on the basis of various financial and sexual improprieties but chiefly related to his perjury and obstruction of justice. 
Clinton was acquitted when every Democrat senator voted in his favor.

Today, visions of impeachment are again dancing through the Washington air–and with good reason.  Nixon was almost impeached and Clinton was impeached not as much because of, respectively, the ill-conceived burglary at the Watergate complex and Monica Lewinsky, but because both presidents lied.  Nixon lied and covered up the actions of the so-called White House Plumbers and Clinton lied, under oath and to the American people, that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”

Both presidents were eventually exposed as liars just as the most consummate liar in the history of the America presidency will eventually be exposed. Furthermore, lying will be the least of the charges against the man widely portrayed as a brilliant constitutional scholar who, with other members of his administration, have treated our Constitution as virtual toilet paper to wipe clean their impeachable offenses.

The bases for impeachment proceedings against Obama could fill a book to overflowing.

One biased Democrat source, the Columbus Dispatch, cited a limited number of House GOP accusations against the president.

They included “bombing Libya without congressional authorization; delaying implementation of some provisions of Obamacare; waiving immigration restrictions to enable children of illegal immigrants to remain in the United States; easing federal drug enforcement in states that have legalized the medicinal or recreational use of marijuana; ending mandatory-minimum prison sentences for some drug offenses; and permitting the Internal Revenue Service to scrutinize conservative organizations’ applications for non-profit, tax-exempt status.”

However, and as serious as those charges are, they represent a surface-scratching of the reasons Obama should be impeached.
Another source, . . . (

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