In fact, The Gay Myth that homosexuals are universally good people who would never harm anyone, the myth that has won over millions of Americans to their cause, is a farce. 
Nothing, not the brutal rape, torture, and murder of 13 year old Jesse Dirkhising by two homosexual perverts in 1999–and subsequent cover up by the MSM–nor any other gay atrocities before or since better illustrate the MSM’s complicity in The Gay Myth than the recent cases of the former lead singer of the rock band Lostprophets and a star of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty.”
 Lostprophets’ Ian Watkins pleaded guilty last month and was sentenced to up to 35 years in jail by a British judge who said he had “plumbed new depths of depravity” in committing a series of depraved, sexual offenses against young children, including attempting to rape babies, sexually assaulting a one year old boy, encouraging a fan to sexually abuse her son, and filming child pornography. 
Judge John Royce called Watkins a manipulative and dangerous sexual predator who had abused his fame to help satisfy his “insatiable lust.”
Described as a “determined and committed” pedophile, Watkins had been outed as a gay perv by his then-prostitute girlfriend as far back as 2006.
Joanna Majic, demonstrating a hooker has a far better sense of morality than a rock star, dumped Watkin’s sorry ass after he told her his sexual fantasies revolved around abusing children and admitted he used his Lostprophets’ fame and fortune to turn young girls into “superfans” willing to allow him to abuse their kids.  Majic told police, “there’s hundreds of victims out there and you’re never going to find them because the mothers are in on it” but the police refused to investigate her allegations.
One wonders whether the British cops were afraid to go after Watkins in view of his status as a popular, gay rocker–and out of fear they would be criticized for persecuting innocent homosexuals.
No such fear bothered the very gay friendly when they gleefully headined that ” ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson Makes Anti-Gay Remarks, Says Being Gay Is A Sin,” as if that were important news to either Robertson or to anyone else.
Huffpo’s Cavan Sieczkowski went on to observe with amazement that, “Not only does ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson fail to understand what it’s like to be gay, but he also thinks homosexuality is a sin comparable to bestiality.  GLADD cited the “shocking new interview” and called Robertson’s statements “vile” and “littered with outdated stereotypes.”
Slashing and burning Phil Robertson for speaking his mind, GLADD spokesman Wilson Cruz went on to claim, “Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil’s lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe.  He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans–and Americans–who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples.”
In an obvious effort to intimidate A&E advertisers, Cruz ranted, “Phil’s decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to reexamine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families,” a wish not endorsed by at least one brave sponsor and by millions of “Duck Dynasty” fans.
Now, granted, the Duck “patriarch” was rather graphic in his observations and maybe should have been less so when he schooled GQ readers on his well-founded beliefs. . . (Read more at