Monday, December 2, 2013

The Rotten Core of the Common Core--Part Five

The Rotten Core of the Common Core--Part Five

When America’s Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, sarcastically told a group of school superintendents last month that it was “fascinating” to see opposition to the Common Core initiative coming from “white suburban moms who—all of a sudden, their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were, and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were,” he ignited an educational firestorm not only among “white suburban moms” but among many non-white, non-suburban mothers.

Duncan, one of Barack Hussein Obama’s old Chicago cronies who helped run Chicago’s public school system into the ground and who had been educated in elite private schools and who had never taught a day in any school, soon apologized for his arrogantly racist slander. 

Apparently in full apologetic mode, he also apologized for lying about teachers getting fired as a result of congressional sequester cuts and admitted to his fellow Cabinet officers that pink slips to teachers were handed in Kanawha County, West Virginia only because of that school district’s prior union agreement.

Conceding he misspoke on the latter, Duncan went on to emphatically declare, “Language is really, really important, and I want to apologize for not being as clear as I should’ve been last week. Because I wasn’t as clear, the spotlight was put on me and that’s never ever my goal.”

His unstated but obvious goal is really, really to commit and enforce the massive educational malpractice that is really, really at the rotten core of Common Core.

Rejecting Duncan’s empty, redundant apology, one non-white mom cited by Michelle Malkin indignantly and articulately responded to the Secretary’s put-down: “As a brown-skinned suburban mom opposed to Common Core, I can tell you I’ve personally met moms and dads of all races, ethnicities, backgrounds and parts of the country over the past year who have sacrificed to get their kids into the best schools possible. They are outraged that dumbed-down, untested federal ‘standards’ pose an existential threat to their excellent educational arrangements–be they public, private, religious or homeschooling.” 

If nothing else, the misbegotten Common Core farce which will soon rival in unpopularity that other misbegotten brainchild of the Obama administration, Obamacare, has succeeded in mobilizing suburban and metropolitan public school, private school and homeschooling moms and dads to actively campaign against its rottenness.

MAD, an acronym for Moms Against Duncan, . . . (Read more at 

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