Saturday, December 14, 2013

Megyn Kelly, Santa Claus, and Jesus Christ

Megyn Kelly, Santa Claus, and Jesus Christ

Fox News’ erudite–not to mention gorgeous–Megyn Kelly touched off yet another racial firestorm, common occurrences in President Barack Hussein Obama’s fraudulently “race-neutral” America, last Wednesday when she said on “The Kelly File” that both Santa Claus and Jesus Christ were white. 

The former cheerleader and now an attorney and mother of three as well as a Fox star, was roundly criticized by liberal-leftists for her remarks.  Aware they lacked any substantive reasons, most simply implied without directly articulating the charge that Megyn was a racist for speaking clear truths. provided a transcript of the segment, including commentary by MSNBC’s black reporter Don Lemon and late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel who both subtly criticized Kelly for saying old, Saint Nick was a white man and so too was Jesus just as most Jews are white today. 

The transcript . . . (

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