Tuffy the Rodeo Clown, (Sedalia) Person of the Year!
Pope Francis fully deserves Time
Magazine’s nomination of 2013′s Person of the Year, albeit for the wrong
reasons, and Tuffy Gessling, aka Rodeo’s Tuffy the Clown, fully deserves
Sedalia, Missouri’s Person of the Year Award, and for all the right
You may recall Tuffy’s disgraceful performance at Missouri’s state
fair last summer when he had the gall, the unmitigated nerve, to wear an Obama
mask and tell the enthusiastic crowd that a raging bull was “gonna getcha,
getcha, getcha, getcha!” and then outrageously compounded his nastiness by
suggesting it’s really President Barack Hussein Obama who acts like a
For those grossly offensive, unpatriotic, and allegedly racist actions, state fair officials immediately and permanently banned Mr. Gessling from ever performing again in their venue for as long as he lived on this Earth!
The good citizens of Sedalia evidently disagreed with the slobberingly politically-correct, Obama-worshipping officials by voting for Tuffy by a wide margin as the town’s own Person of the Year over seven other worthy Sedalians. (As of this writing, voting was still in progress.)
For his part, Tuffy was bewildered by all the kerfuffle over his skit.
He made the valid point that, “Comedians all over the country have used political figures to make fun . . . " (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=34642.)
For those grossly offensive, unpatriotic, and allegedly racist actions, state fair officials immediately and permanently banned Mr. Gessling from ever performing again in their venue for as long as he lived on this Earth!
The good citizens of Sedalia evidently disagreed with the slobberingly politically-correct, Obama-worshipping officials by voting for Tuffy by a wide margin as the town’s own Person of the Year over seven other worthy Sedalians. (As of this writing, voting was still in progress.)
For his part, Tuffy was bewildered by all the kerfuffle over his skit.
He made the valid point that, “Comedians all over the country have used political figures to make fun . . . " (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=34642.)
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