Monday, December 16, 2013

Good News!

Good News!

Even if you live in a cocoon and prefer to hide from contemporary realities, those realities will eventually affect you and will sometimes nastily bite you on the butt.  Good news occurs much less frequently than bad and therefore deserves top billing.


—One piece of good news is the report that a black woman in Brooklyn proved the “knockout game” being played nationwide by blacks, a “game” in which they cold cock innocent, usually white, victims into unconsciousness, isn’t always successful.  Turning the tables in various ways, the feisty woman beat most of the living sheat out of her black attacker and was then joined by her boyfriend who beat the rest of the stuffing out of him.

—London’s Daily Mail reported last week that the president’s approval rating has plummeted to 38% overall, to 34% on health care, and to 40% on Iran, with 49% of young people and 43% of Hispanics saying they disapprove of his job performance, 52% of the voting public saying he is not “honest and trustworthy,” and 51% believing he lacks “strong  leadership qualities.” (

—In the ongoing War on Christmas and Christianity, the Texas state legislature attempted unsuccessfully to ban the word “Christmas” from an elementary school “winter party,” what used to be called Christmas parties.  However, in a reflection of national sanity, a Rasmussen Reports poll released recently indicated that some 75% of Americans support celebrating the Christian religious (and national) holiday in our public schools.
—Ayo Kimathi, the black supremacist . . . (Read more at

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