Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Bitch, a Lunatic, and a Nuke

A Bitch, a Lunatic, and a Nuke

The following are pertinent updates on articles recently posted regarding Michelle Obama, Mireille Miller-Young, and nuclear war.

— “Nouveaux Riches–the Obamas” dealt with the disgusting abuse of American taxpayers by our Royal Couple who, as nouveaux riches, believe they are somehow entitled to brazenly milk the strapped U.S. treasury for all it used to be worth with their royal extravagances.

It now turns out that Michelle Obama can be as much a bitch at home as she and her mother have been in China.

While diplomatically hedging his language in a New Republic article, former White House assistant press secretary Reid Cherlin wrote that working for the FLOTUS is “confining, frustrating, even miserable” due to her “exacting but often ambivalent  leadership style” in a White House where “Jealousy and discontentment have festered, as courtiers squabble over the allocation of responsibility and access to Mrs. Obama, both of which can be aggravatingly scarce.” 

With an eye toward his future in the Democrat Party, Cherlin never actually calls Michelle a bitch and even compliments her to a degree but you don’t have to read between his lines to understand he thinks she’s harridan to work for.

— “Tolerating Intolerance” outlined the case of Mireille Miller-Young, a pro-abortion professor of Feminist Studies at UC Santa Barbara specializing in pornography, queer theory, and black film study who stole a sign, assaulted a 16 year old, and incited an angry mob because the young girl was participating in a peaceful pro-life demonstration on campus–within the university’s designated “free speech area.”

Police responded and investigated but made no arrests at the time.  However, nine days later, after reviewing the girl’s videotaped recording of the attack, the intolerant prof was charged with criminal battery, vandalism, and robbery.  Miller-Young claimed she was morally justified . . . (Read more at

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