Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tolerating Intolerance

Tolerating Intolerance

Along with diversity, tolerance is a favorite buzzword of America’s liberal-leftists and, as with most things liberal-leftist, both words are hypocritically applied only to those ideas and situations which fit neatly into their belief systems, i.e., diversity must reflect what they think should be diverse and tolerance must not be extended to anything or anyone remotely conservative.

For example, while wholeheartedly endorsing diversity in our society, schools, courts, in virtually every human activity, especially when it comes to racial and sexual minorities, the mostly Democrat lib-left takes great umbrage when conservatives complain that the mainstream media are probably among the least politically diverse institutions on Earth.

Do as they say, not as they do.  As long as you’re sharing kumbaya moments, who needs forced diversity, one of the most divisive issues in America?

As for diversity’s kissing cousin, tolerance, that idea is abused even more frequently by our liberal-leftist friends .

Loosely defined as a willingness to accept differing feelings, habits, or beliefs in the interests of societal cohesion and concord, their interpretation of what tolerance means has devolved into its twisted opposite, intolerance, the refusal to tolerate contrary opinions and the supposed rejection of people of different races or backgrounds.

Instances of such hypocritical intolerance abound and are much too numerous to detail in this space but below are a few selected examples of how the lib-left has distorted the potentially-beneficial concept of tolerance into a pernicious propaganda disease, a disease for which they never offer a cure but rather try to make it an epidemic.

–According to The Morning Journal News, an Oberlin College professor of Oriental extraction is suing Oberlin–where students shell out $50,000 a year for the privilege of matriculating–alleging that a Muslim professor has been harassing her.

Prof. Eunjung An contends that Ali Yedes, has repeatedly and overtly discriminated against her and  other female employees in the French and Comparative Literature Departments and actually once told an employee that he brought his nephew to the U.S. on a student visa specifically to “stab and kill someone from his  department.”

Eight years after the harassment began, Associate Professor Yedes is still on the job and not a peep has been heard from ultra-tolerant liberal-leftist defenders of tolerance since, apparently, they don’t consider Orientals as worthy of attention as blacks and Latinos and certainly not when they’re threatened by an adherent to the Religion of Peace.

–Another educator, a lowly assistant philosophy prof at Rochester Institute of Technology, Lawrence Torcello, has suggested a unique plan to resolve the contentious debate over global cooling/global warming/climate change. . . . (Read more at

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