Saturday, March 15, 2014

Guns, Egyptians, Nitwits, and Black Swans

Guns, Egyptians, Nitwits, and Black Swans

The following four videos involve a young girl instructing grown men and women on the inherent fallacies of gun control, an Egyptian woman demonstrating gross ingratitude toward America’s president, a black congresswoman showing that ignorance isn’t confined only to the illiterate, and swans and goldfish setting an excellent example for race relations in our country.

On Thursday, a superspunky 9 year old New Jersey girl, who will remain  unidentified here to protect her from anti-gun nuts since she happens to be an active, competitive shooter, testified before the New Jersey Law and Public Safety Committee. 

The subject at hand related to a proposed 10-round gun magazine limit and Ms. Spunky had to school the Garden State legislators on the realities, legalities, and practicalities of the useless proposal.

Amazingly, she was received respectfully and applauded enthusiastically by the predominantly-Democrat, predominantly-gun control advocates.  It remains to be seen whether her testimony will sway the Dems to vote rationally or whether they will succumb to pressure from misguided constituents who still ardently believe that guns and not people kill other people.

See lil Ms. Spunky’s riveting testimony and the reaction here
A much different vid captured an Egyptian woman and supporter of deposed Egyptian dictator Mohamed Morsi demanding that the Muslim world’s once-favorite American president, Barack Hussein Obama, “shut up your mouth.”

The rather incensed, gap-toothed woman clearly articulates her venom by screaming the obviously-rehearsed rant, “I’d like to convey the following message to Obama. Listen, Obama. We are Egyptian women. You are listen, Obama? Shut up your mouth, Obama. Shut up your mouth, Obama!” (

How utterly rude of her!  It seems she is unaware that the guy she is telling to shut up is the same guy who has often expressed his deep love and admiration for all things Islamic and is widely suspected of being a closeted Muslim!

Texas Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee proved once again that low-information voters will cast their ballots for just about anyone . . . (Read more and see the other videos at

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