Monday, March 10, 2014

Lena Dunham, Exposed on SNL!

Lena Dunham, Exposed on SNL!

What Lena Dunham lacks in talent and grace and taste she apparently thinks she can compensate for with chutzpa and crudeness and an insatiable appetite for public exhibitionism, all of  which proclivities Lorne Michaels and his “Saturday Night Live” cohorts must have felt would be the ingredients for a spectacular show and great ratings.

They were miserably wrong on all counts–mainly in picking “Girls” creator and star Dunham to host last Saturday.  Dunham bombed with her chutzpa, crudity, and exhibitionism as well as in the ratings game.

And, it’s not as if NBC didn’t hype her appearance by putting Dunham on its Today and Late Night with Seth Meyers shows prior to her hosting “SNL,” all to little avail. 

According to, the 27 year old presumptuous actress/comedienne pulled in a “4.1 household rating in the metered markets and a 2.1 in adults 18-49 in the markets with Local People Meters. That was down 11% in households and down 19% in 18-49 from last week’s show hosted by Jim Parsons. These are SNL‘s second-lowest results of the season in both households and 18-49.”

Those lousy numbers prove once again that it’s impossible to make a silk purse out of a sow’s rump no matter how much promotion a network does.

“SNL” long ago lost the luster that made it one of the most popular shows on NBC before its decline from the “not ready for prime time players” into the “not ready for any time hosts.”  Three nights ago the show lost whatever claim to fame it ever had as well as any shred of decency it had left, all thanks to Lena Dunham.

“SNL” also long ago lost its satirical sense of purpose and instead of ridiculing foolishness and corruption through biting humor, last Saturday, Lorne and Company resorted to a mocking, borderline-blasphemous skit posed as comedy and featuring a naked Lena Dunham in the role of Eve and Taran Killam as a similarly-naked Adam satirizing the Bible’s Book of Genesis, life in the Garden of Eden, and God Himself.

Clearly a product of her parentage, of her Protestant father, Carroll Dunham, who paints “overtly sexualized pop art” and her Jewish mother, Laurie Simmons, who “photographs artistic domestic scenes with dolls” . . . (Read more at

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