Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nouveaux Riches–the Obamas

Personally, I sort of admire many of the nouveaux riches, people who have recently become wealthy and who spend tons of money like the Unsinkable Molly Brown as portrayed by Kathy Bates in “Titanic,” people who may be obnoxious but have a good heart.   

I even admire some dot.com multi-gazillionaires who scored big time due to their ingenuity and hard work since they deserve to be ostentatious if they want to be. 

The people I don’t admire at all are nouveaux riches who achieved their lofty financial status through apparently dishonest, improper means like Microsoft’s Bill Gates and I especially don’t admire those who got rich for no reason other than their political connections, greedily bank their gains, and then abuse far less wealthy American taxpayers by hosting extravagant parties and outrageously-extravagant vacations like President Barack Hussein Obama and his lovely bride, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama have done for more than five years. 

In order to perpetuate the bald-faced lie for the benefit of their prime constituency that she and Barack are “two of them,” Lady O has often suggested they succeeded in life despite their (fabricated) impoverished backgrounds. 

If any further evidence were needed for their prevarications, both have demonstrated their utter contempt for taxpayers mired in the midst of the saddest excuse for an economic recovery in our history by, once again, flying off at the cost of tens of millions of dollars per-flight and per-vacation on what essentially amount to self-serving junkets. 

With the president’s signature Obamacare legislation on the ropes and the deadline for sign-ups drawing near, a deadline that will assuredly be pushed back when expected signatories refuse to commit to his Democrat congress’ absurd and un-workable socialistic scheme, Obama tried to divert attention from that travesty.

He flew to the Hague on Saturday ostensibly for the purpose of mollifying terrified Europe’s fears over the Russian invasion of Crimea and Russian President Putin’s threats to Ukraine if not to all of Europe.  He might also want to reassure Europeans that he has a backbone, a feature he hasn’t often displayed. 

And when Obama travels, he has plenty of company, expensive company, and he goes in style. 

–After five years, the most traveling president in America’s history has taken 31 trips for a total of 119 days abroad as contrasted with Ronald Reagan’s five year totals of 14 trips for 73 days and Americans are now laying out about $228,288 per Air Force One flight hour in 2013, a 27% increase over previous estimates. (National Taxpayers Union) 

–His two day trip to South Africa to pay homage to Nelson Mandela last June cost taxpayers over $2.2 million for hotel rooms and rental cars alone. (State Department figures) 
–When he brought the whole clan on a weeklong visit to Senegal and Tanzania, the tab ran to over $100 million. (Washington Post estimate)
–When he arrives in Brussels Tuesday night he will have no fewer than 900 others in his retinue to assist and protect him plus some 45 vehicles and 3 cargo planes to get him and his people around, while costing the city €10,000,000 in extra expenses. (Brussels mayor, Yvan Mayeur) 
All very impressive numbers for a poor boy from Honolulu still getting used to the trappings of life as a nouveaux riche.

Mrs. Obama, though, far outshines Mr. Obama in the entitled extravagance department.  

Lady O not only decided that reporters were personae non gratae on her current China trip but reporters who showed up anyway were blocked from covering her many events, verbally abused by officials, and ordered to stay far enough away so photogs couldn’t snap embarrassing pictures of her and her entourage  at China’s Great Wall or in their Forbidden City.  

Photos might have captured them under a huge rock inscription above the Wall reading, “Loyal to Chairman Mao,” which could  have contributed to suspicions the Obamas have Communist leanings. . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=36442.)

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