Friday, March 14, 2014

The Rotten Core of the Common Core: Part Nine

The Rotten Core of the Common Core: Part Nine

As expected, the rotten core of the Common Core gets more rotten by the week, if not by the day.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is that Lincoln has been proven absolutely right in saying, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” 

Parents and elementary school kids have almost become accustomed to Core’s Byzantine solutions to simple math problems; parents of high schoolers are regularly shocked with the trashy novels their tenth graders are required to read; educators are bewildered as to the necessity of the constant testing and their resulting need to “teach to the test.”

Now comes verification of the reality many of us have been saying all along, namely that the basic principles of the Common Core State Standards Initiative were not state initiatives at all.  They were not hatched in America’s 50 states, nor by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers but were in fact the misbegotten brainchildren of President Barack Hussein Obama’s liberal-leftist White Houses coterie who are using arm-twisting to coerce states to adopt the rotten Core.

Last week, Andy Smarick at Core-supporter Thomas B. Fordham Institute complained that Obama’s education budget proposal gave the administration credit for so many states signing on to Common Core not because it was untrue but because, “The anti-Common Core forces will likely use this language as evidence that Common Core was federally driven,” which it obviously is.

Furthermore, according to the Cato Institute, President Obama is not only now taking credit for the idea but “almost certainly wants to make the Core permanent by attaching annual federal funding to its use.”  That would be the aforementioned federal coercion cudgel employed to keep cash-strapped states and school districts obsequiously in line or risk being denied access to the fed money pot.  

When your enemies attack you, it’s anticipated.  When your friends attack you, it’s either a sign they’re not true friends or that they don’t like what your saying or doing.

The National Education Association, the largest teachers’ union in America, is one of the truest friends of the federal government and the president so when the NEA turned on the Core, it means trouble in River City and across the nation. . . . (Read more at

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