Friday, March 28, 2014

Arne Duncan Screws Up Again!

Arne Duncan Screws Up Again!

America’s Secretary of Education, Obama-buddy Arne Duncan, never taught a class or wrote a lesson plan in his life but he did attend the elite University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, majored in sociology at Harvard, and later presided over the disintegration of Chicago’s public schools. 

An Obama loyalist, Sec. Duncan made headlines last year when he said it was “fascinating” that much of the opposition to the disastrous Common Core State Standards scheme has come from “white suburban moms who–all of a sudden–[discovered] their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were, and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were.”

Aside from his embarrassing subject-word agreement faux pas in that statement made to educators, Sec. Duncan also thereby unwittingly demonstrated his fundamental liberal-leftist contempt for the intelligence of the hoi polloi, particulary for the I.Q.s of America’s white suburban moms who were understandably outraged.

Of course, Duncan dutifully and quickly issued a standard pro-forma apology for his ungrammatical, racist ramblings.

However, he obviously hasn’t learned his lesson since his department just released a study which unequivocably, sort of, not really, proves that those moms and other clearly bigotted people must be involved in an undeclared alliance with public school teachers, administrators, and school boards–and possibly even school custodians–in conspiring to discriminate against kids of color as young as five years of age!

With the nation’s racist Attorney General Eric Holder at his side to accent the seriousness if not the criminality of the educational crisis at hand and keeping in mind that results from studies are only as reliable as their “study-ers” and the extent of their bias, Duncan didn’t say he was as fascinated by his study as he was by all those “white suburban moms” but both he and Holder are appalled at the so-called “school to prison pipeline.” . . . (Read more at

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