Saturday, November 30, 2013

Race War in America. Part Three: Ayo Kimathi

Race War in America.  Part Three: Ayo Kimathi

“Warfare is imminent and in order for White people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of Blacks–more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” kill them because Blacks are a “sadistic race of devils.”

Approximately how long would a white “small business specialist/acquisitions officer” or any other white employee, at the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement division or elsewhere who posted that trash on his website remain in his position? 

A week?  A day?  An hour?

However, black nationalist Ayo Kimathi seemed immune from any repercussions for his murderous racism until he was exposed last August by, of all groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center.  Even then he kept his job dealing with whatever small businesses the DHS or ICE has to deal with until November after conservative media went viral with the story and pressured the DHS until they finally put Kimathi on administrative leave pending further review.

With full pay of $115,731 per annum–plus benefits.

Of course, there is no way of knowing whether the leftist-liberal SPLC outed Kimathi because of his black racist trash blogging about white people or because he attacked President Barack Hussein Obama as a “treasonous mulatto scum dweller,” former Secretary of State “Colon” (sic) Powell and Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas as “Uncle Toms,” warned that some whites and Obama are trying to “homosexualize” black men to make them weaker, and suggested that a woman’s primary role should be to “keep a strong Black man happy.” 

Still, not content with posting that drivel, he vilified black icons Al Sharpton, Lil Wayne, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Condoleezza Rice, as well as “Gay  Edgar Hoover.”

Based on how Obama’s government and operatives operate, I’d give odds that that the SPLC outed Kimathi not as a result of his anti-white tirades and threats of a race war but due to his abuse of homosexuals and black heroes.

Sarah Palin . . . (

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Race War in America. Part Two--The Knockout Game

Race War in America. Part Two--The Knockout Game

 (The following dialogue is excerpted or adapted from TRU-tv’s “Bait Car.”  The context is different in that it involves the very popular “knockout” game and not stealing cars but the language and participants are identical.  It also represents the latest development in America’s ongoing race war that few recognize or refuse to concede even exists.)

Hey, Dawg!  Wanna do sumpin?  Ah’m bored.
Ah dunno.  Whatcha wanna do?
Ah dunno.  How’s ’bout clockin’ sum cracker?
Ya mean like dat knockout game?  Leroy done ben doin’ dat fo’ years!
Yeah, but now all da boyz is doin’ it and dey all gets away wid it!  And dose motherf**kin’ honkies is coverin’ fo’ us!
Cool, ni**ah, let’s jest get it on den!  Ah needs some scrilla! 
No, no, fool!  We don’ rob ‘em!  We jes knock dose crackers upside dere heads! 
Jes fo’ fun?  
Jes fo’ fun and cuz we bored! 

That fictional exchange between black youths–as well as among some not so youthful blacks–has been going on in America for years, as “Leroy” pointed out, but has only recently mushroomed into an epidemic of black violence against whites and anyone else who isn’t black. 

Now “the knockout game” is being played out nationwide in such cities as New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, St. Louis, Lansing, San Francisco, and even in the nation’s capital, home to the man ultimately responsible for the hate crime mayhem, President Barack Hussein Obama. 

Some of Obama’s mainstream media are grudgingly and hesitantly getting around to reporting incidents of that spreading mayhem yet still refuse to label the attacks for what they are, concerted if yet uncoordinated instances of black hate crimes.   

Fearing the truth, other extreme liberal leftists such as those on are reporting the existence of the knockout game but denying it’s a growing trend, that it is at epidemic levels, or that it’s racially motivated: “Most sources claim that it is spreading, and a number of sources claim that it is racially motivated. But how do they know? Where are they getting their data from?” 

It seems lib-leftists require written permission from Obama or maybe being sucker-punched themselves before they admit the obvious, a realization Philly’s black Mayor Michael Nutter sort of grasps. 

Nutter convened a press conference on Monday to try to prevent the “game” from spreading to Philadelphia, blithely ignoring the fact it had already arrived in Northeast Philly and in Lower Merion and not mentioning the salient and damning reality that it is being “played” exclusively by blacks. 

On Thursday, O’Reilly Factor guest, African-American lesbian civil rights activist, Jasmyne Cannick, . . . (Read more at

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Race War in America. Part One: the NBPP

Race War in America. Part One: the NBPP


The signs, the threats, the warnings and the reality that a murderous race war in America is lurking in our very near future have been on full display for at least five years.  Yet, most Americans are oblivious and in a state of denial that such a war could ever happen here, just as most are unwilling to accept the notion that our nation would or could ever be dominated by a minority intent on accomplishing total dominance over the majority even if that dominance is achieved via all-out, bloody conflict.
Those who dismiss that scenario should consider the New Black Panther Party’s repeated calls for a race war between blacks and whites in our country.  They should consider the recent eruption of blacks attacking whites as part of a “game” of knocking out and sometimes killing innocent white people. They should consider that an admitted black racist works for the Department of Homeland Security despite publicly advocating for a race war against whites.  They should consider that black violence nationwide against virtually everyone not black has reached and surpassed epidemic proportions.

They should consider all those chilling facts of life in Barack Hussein Obama’s America today but they probably won’t because the president’s mainstream media, which dictate what most people know, believe, and understand, persist in covering them up in the interests of political correctness and of maintaining racial peace.

Obviously, that effort isn’t working.

Indeed, the MSM is exacerbating our ongoing racial war by concealing the ugly truths concerning race relations and racial violence in America and thereby providing a certain immunity and encouragement for violent elements in our society to continue their bloody war.

The virulently racist New Black Panther Party, the NBPP, the ostensibly more civil, unofficial successor to the original virulently racist Black Panthers that featured such luminaries as Huey Newton, Elaine Brown, current Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush, and Kanye West’s “reformed” father, Ray West, among other thugs and insurrectionists, never really changed its stripes.

The NBPP, established in 1989, has frequently demonstrated it has changed in name only. . . (Read more at

Friday, November 22, 2013

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mostly Different (Part Four)

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mostly Different (Part Four)


Attempting to compare and contrast JFK and BHO without referencing their better halves, First Ladies Jacqueline Lee “Jackie” Bouvier Kennedy and Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama, would be a futile exercise since Jackie and Michelle were significant influences and major players in the lives and administrations of their husbands. 

The chief difference was that Jackie made her influence felt behind her private screen and Michelle has overtly exhibited her involvement in every facet of the Obama administration.
Unique in many ways, no two First Ladies could have been more different. 

One was truly a first class lady, the other not so much.  

Few other First Ladies in American presidential history better combined classic beauty, charismatic charm, and educated savoir-faire than Mrs. Kennedy. 

Of Irish-French ancestry, Jackie was born to wealth and privilege like her husband yet never publicly flaunted her privileged status either before or after her marriage to the president of the United States and never intruded into the seamy world of politics.  She had graduated from George Washington University in D.C. with a B.A. in French literature, co-authored the autobiographical, One Special Summer, with her sister, and later worked as an inquiring photographer.

Jackie may have unwittingly become a fashion icon but she always discreetly stayed in the political background and appropriately kept her political opinions to herself. 

Fluent in Spanish and French, she could speak in Italian and Polish and on foreign trips comported herself with the same sense of chic dignity she exhibited at home.  She devoted her free time to organizing White House social events and directing the beautification of the presidential mansion.

More importantly, Mrs. Kennedy studiously avoided controversy at all times and ultimately became one of the most beloved and most popular presidential wives of the twentieth century. 

On the other hand, no other First Lady in American history combined such a seething, racist anger toward America, such an insatiable lust for publicity, and such affection for traveling on taxpayers’ meager dimes than Michelle Obama. . . (Read more at

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mostly Different (Part Three)

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mostly Different (Part Three)

Patrick Buchanan believes, had the assassination of John F. Kennedy not occurred fifty years ago, JFK would be remembered as a mediocre president who accomplished little aside from the passage of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 and establishing the Peace Corps.  His other “achievements,” including ending the Cuban Missile Crisis, were all tainted in some way or left unfinished, such as cutting taxes which Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through Congress in Kennedy’s name.

As Buchanan wrote on, “Had there been no Dallas, there would been no Camelot.  There would have been no John F. Kennedy as brilliant statesman cut off in his prime, had it not been for those riveting days from Dealey Plaza to Arlington and the lighting of the Eternal Flame.  Along with the unsleeping labors of an idolatrous press and the propagandists who control America’s popular culture, those four days created and sustained the Kennedy Myth.”

Pat Buchanan is probably correct even if the “idolatrous press and the propagandists” still profess JFK’s greatness, much like they still praise our current president despite his few real successes and his many abject failures. 

One such worshipful piece published in April 2012 on titled, “Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments” listed “health care reform,” “passing the stimulus,” ”Wall Street reform,” “ending the war in Iraq,” and “began drawdown of war in Afghanistan” as the top five.

Given the retrospective of 17 months, if those five are Obama’s greatest accomplishments, he actually has none.

If and when the Washington Monthly ever lists his greatest bungles and wrecks, they should be at or near the head of the heap: Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster, the stimulus has stimulated nothing except malaise, Wall Street is as profitably corrupt as ever, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are still raging fiercely though on a smaller scale.

However, unlike Kennedy, Obama was the recipient of the highly prestigious Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his trying to make the world a better place.
According to the Nobel Committee, . . . (Read more at 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

So, Obama Asks the Queen . . .

So, Obama Asks the Queen . . .

(Received as an email and slightly edited.  Considering the confused state of affairs in the Barack Hussein Obama administration, ["President Barack Obama told a conference-call audience of progressive volunteers on Monday evening that 'more than 100 million  Americans'--in a nation of less than 314 million--have successfully signed up  for health insurance via the Affordable Care Act"] there just might be more than a grain of truth in this anecdote.)

At a state dinner, President Obama had a question for Queen Elizabeth. “Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give me?”

“Well,” said the Queen, ”the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people.”

Obama frowned, and then asked, “But how do I know if the people around me are really intelligent?”

The Queen took a sip of champagne. “Oh, that’s easy; you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle. Watch.” She pushed a button on her intercom. “Please send Tony Blair in here, would you?”

Tony Blair walked into the room and said, “Yes, your Majesty?” 

The Queen smiled and said, “Answer me this please Tony. . . (Read more at

Monday, November 18, 2013

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mostly Different (Part Two)

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mostly Different--Part Two


Comparing Jack Kennedy to Barack Obama is a task much akin to comparing apples and apple seeds: The apple is a nutritious and tasty fruit whereas apple seeds contain a sugar and cyanide compound which can be toxic in large quantities.

In many ways they’re not comparable though both represent the Democrat Party and eloquent orators, and both became wildly popular among certain segments of the population and abroad even if Kennedy won the 1960 election in a squeaker (two-tenths of one percent–49.7% to 49.5% in the popular vote)–and won with scandalous assistance from Chicago’s corrupt Mayor Richard J. Daley.

Chicago’s own Obama won handily in 2008 and 2012, albeit with the help of a narrow constituency of 13% of the population who twice voted overwhelmingly for him because of his race and with the help of two opponents who can best be described as lackluster Republicans in name only.

It should be noted, however, that Kennedy’s Democrat Party was relatively conservative as contrasted with Obama’s party today, that he delivered his speeches with notes but largely from memory and Obama can’t seem to address anyone without reading from his trusty teleprompters.  Most importantly, Jack had a vision for America that was uplifting and challenging as opposed to Obama’s vision that the nation we know and love was in dire need of liberal-leftist rehabilitation.

Our 35th president firmly believed in the greatness of the country he had fought and risked his life for, an inspirational belief that went far beyond what Americans could do for America for and to literally reach for the moon.  In his campaigns and administrations, our 44th president sought radical changes in America and offered some ambiguous hope as the solution to problems only he and his supporters considered significantly problematic.

Now, granted, both Kennedy and Obama entered office during difficult times. 
Kennedy, however, entered with the advantage of a background in national politics–six years in the House of Representatives, six years in the Senate–which afforded him a fundamental understanding of how government functions.  After a brief stint in the Illinois Senate, Obama ran for and won a seat in the United States Senate and two years later won the presidency with a marked lack of experience that was evident from Day One. . . . (Read more

Oprah's Black Racism

As a result of her admission that she had used the taboo N-word in the past, Georgia-born celebrity chef Paula Deen was effectively declared persona non grata and banished forever by the Food Network, Smithfield Foods, Walmart, Target, QVC, Caesars Entertainment, Home Depot, Novo Nordisk, J.C. Penney, Sears, KMart and a number of other racially-supersensitive, politically-correct firms and organizations.

As a result of her saying on the BBC last Friday that President Barack Hussein Obama has been treated disrespectfully because he’s black and that entire generations of racists are going to ”just have to die” in order for racism to end “around the world,” billionaire television mogul Oprah Winfrey was feted and applauded for her audacity in speaking her version of the truth even if death was the only solution.

There’s so much wrong with both those pictures that it’s impossible to rectify those wrongs in an essay.

Suffice to say, after her banishment and needless apology, Paula Deen’s books all but flew off the shelves, her fan base grew, claims of racial discrimination against her were dismissed by a federal judge, a sexual harrassment lawsuit was thrown out of court, and she has recovered nicely and plans to open a new store in upstate Clarence, New York.

Go, Paula!

As for Oprah, because she’s Oprah, she won’t suffer any financial repercussions or retaliations whatsoever nor will she have to do battle legally because of her outright lie and her death wish for those she deems racist, in spite of the facts that, by all reports, the prevailing racism in 2013 America is the nefarious work of blacks and not whites.
BBC News's £150,000 'star' arts editor has never reported or  When BBC correspondent Will Gompertz asked Winfrey whether she thought racism was still “a contemporary issue,” the richest woman in the world was almost conciliatory.

She responded, ”It would be foolish to not recognize that we have evolved in that we’re not still facing the same kind of terrorism against black people . . . It’s  gotten better. Are there still places where people are terrorized because of the color of their skin, because of the color of their black skin? Yes. But there are laws that have allowed us to progress beyond what we saw in the Scottsboro Boys and beyond the [sic] even the prejudice we see in [her recent film] ‘The Butler.’ “

Having deceptively paved her way, Oprah then launched her blockbuster: “You know, as long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation–I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the south–there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.” (

Fortunately, in her estimation, only southern elders “have to die.”  People such as 30 year old George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Trayvon Martin in self defense and was exonerated by a Florida jury of his peers, will apparently be spared. 

Then, again, the race-mongering Winfrey told CNN’s Anderson Cooper last August, that, “A lot of  people, if think [sic] they’re not using the “N” word themselves, they actually physically are not using the “N” word themselves, [sic] and do not have, harbor ill will towards black people, that it’s not racist. But, you know, to me it’s ridiculous to look at that case and not to think that race was involved.”
October | 2007 | Bossip  It is indeed ridiculous, not any ridiculousness associated with the Zimmerman trial but the absurdity that Oprah Gail Winfrey is able to get away with such baseless allegations while she and President Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media ignore the epidemic of black criminal violence in America–and the proven failures of his misguided, liberal-leftist economic and social policies. 

Admittedly, our country was once a nation in which many whites discriminated against many blacks. 

However, as Oprah grudgingly concedes, “It’s gotten better,” so much better that a poor single mother from Mississippi can become a black icon in a white America, so much better that she escaped widespread criticism when she broke her own political silence by inviting Obama on her television show and dismissed John McCain with, Oh, please.  Bye-bye,” so much better that she endorsed affirmative action policies that favored blacks and discriminated against whites.

False and indefensible charges by an icon seem to take precedence over reality in Oprah’s and Obama’s America.  They do not negate the truth that both she and he are confirmed black racists and that racism in America today is dominated by lawless blacks more interested in the spoils of a race war than in any other goal.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mainly Different

JFK vs. BHO--Somewhat Similar, Mainly Different (Part One)


John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was murdered almost 50 years ago in Dallas’ Dealey Square by Lee Harvey Oswald, a malcontented Marxist.  By most  objective accounts, JFK was a mediocre president during his brief tenure as America’s commander in chief and tragically short life of 46 years, a tenure and a life that has been exponentially exaggerated since November 23rd, 1963. With many notable exceptions, Kennedy was much like our 44th president, Barack Hussein Obama. 
A handsome, charismatic man, blessed with an enchanting wife and two beguiling children, JFK accomplished precious little as president over the course of his scant 1,036 days in office, somewhat fewer accomplishments than Obama, yet Jack’s memory still enjoys a distinctive prominence in American political history that will elude Barack, unless one regards abject failure a cause for remembrance.
Not that the illicit romances of American presidents–and their number is almost incalculable–constitute valid reason for chiseling a president’s legacy in stone or face on Mount Rushmore, but they do serve to reflect the fundamental nature and character of those leaders.
Jack was the cat’s meow, the bees’ knees, antiquated expressions describing a cool, stylish guy who had “a way with the ladies,” so to speak.  In short, he was an unreconstructed rake.
Obama seems somewhat more selective in his choice of ”ladies” than Kennedy was, preferring the ladies of “The View” who idolized him as “eye candy, ” (his self-description), and Kennedy preferring to get it on with . . . (Read more at

The Downfall of Alec Baldwin?

The Downfall of Alec Baldwin?


Most people have heard of Shakespeare’s famous and perceptive quotation about people that, “some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.”  Few people have heard of his less famous observation about people that, “some are born lucky, some make their own luck and some get away with atrocious behavior because they must know people in high places who let them get away with that conduct,” mainly since The Bard never wrote that.

Still–with apologies to Shakespeare–the latter non-quote fits the 55 year old arch liberal-leftist actor, Obama supporter, frustrated politician, and animal rights activist Alexander Rae Baldwin, better known as Alec Baldwin, to a perfect T. 
Baldwin has boldly and disgracefully gone where few if any Hollywood types have ever dared to go before, from hysterically screaming at his then-11 year old daughter Ireland, calling her “a rude, thoughtless, little pig” and threatening to “straighten [her] ass out,” to being tossed from an American Airlines flight after he became rudely belligerent, to dropping his pants on the Dave Letterman show. 
And those were only his familial and social explosions. 
When it comes to Baldwin’s wildly intemperate politically-related observations, he has notably and publicly said, “If we were in another country we  . . . would stone [conservative Republican congressman] Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they’re doing to this country.” 
He referred to former Vice President Dick Cheney as a terrorist, without providing any evidence that Cheney is anything other than a committed patriot.  
He characterized conservative commentator Sean Hannity as”a no-talent, ignorant fool,” “a cabin boy,” and “the Larry Flynt of talk radio, and compared Hannity’s behavior to “the stupidity that people often refer to when they think of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin.” 
He demeaned the late conservative publisher and commentator Andrew Breitbart as a “festering boil on the anus of public discourse.”
Nevertheless, despite all Baldwin’s exhibitions of classlessness and boorishness, despite his veiled threats and political slanders, despite his execrable gutter language, he retained his enviable status as Hollywood’s and TV land’s and Capital One Bank’s fair-haired-now-grey-haired boy.  The fact his admirers could overlook his many character flaws and nasty foibles is not surprising, however.  Aside from his vicious verbal attacks on a young child, maybe, his Tinseltown and television buddies probably approve heartily everything he has said and done.
Why Capital One, my own bank, keeps him on as a spokesman, though, is a mystery. 
A more profound mystery is why Baldwin has escaped censure and condemnation for his repeated homophobic eruptions, dating back years.  If Alec has been mercilessly savage with regard to gays, which he has been, the homosexual community has been equally ruthless in recent years in retaliating against any and all perceived offenders and offenses, reasonable or not. . . . (Read more at

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Classmates Out Obama as a Cokehead, Anti-American Liar

Classmates Out Obama as a Cokehead, Anti-American Liar


Needless to say, the adverse observations by two of Barack Hussein Obama’s old classmates, one a high school girl at Punaho School in Honolulu, Hawaii, the other a male student at New York City’s Columbia University, will be dismissed by the president or, more likely, by his minions, as belated fabrications perpetrated by envious Obama-haters and/or vicious lies concocted and orchestrated by Rush Limbaugh in collaboration with Glenn Beck.
Nevertheless, details concerning the background of the most mysterious commander in chief in America’s history as provided by the now-50 year old Mia Maria Pope and the now-52 year old Wayne Allyn Root are both enlightening and intriguing.

If proven true, an unlikelihood given the passage of so many years and Obama’s mainstream news media’s years-old reluctance to pursue any truth  regarding Obama, America’s leader could be the second Democrat president to face impeachment in less than two decades or, at the minimum, disgrace and scorn for the remainder of his second term.

Indeed, again if proven true, the allegations of Ms. Pope and Mr. Root would force any president with any sense of honor to resign his office.

MIA MARIA POPE.  African-American talk-show host Dr. David Manning recently interviewed Ms. Pope but was probably unprepared for the devout Christian’s revelations concerning her former classmate, then known as Barry Soetero. 

She described Barry as a compulsive liar who would often “prostitute himself for gay sex in order to feed his cocaine habit.” (See the 27 minute video of Dr. Manning’s interview here:

Pope added, “One of his attributes that’s still evident today is that he was even a pathological liar even back then. I’m not kidding. Every time this guy would open his mouth the most outlandish stories would come out.  It seemed like he couldn’t tell the truth about anything.”  She also remembered Obama “would get with these older, white, gay men, and this is how we pretty much had this impression that that’s how he was procuring this cocaine. In other words he was having sex with these older, white guys and that’s how he was getting his cocaine to be able to freebase.”

Among others substantiating Mia Maria Pope’s impressions of Soetero-Obama’s drug use are Barry himself in his “memoir,” Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance in which he conceded his high school drug use, but not what he did to procure them.  Kevin DuJan, however, a player in Chicago’s gay community, has partially filled in the gay gap.  DuJan ”has long claimed that Obama was a well-known face in the bar and bathhouse scene” during his days as an Illinois state senator and is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual.  He’s homosexual.”  (

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT.  Root never met the future president who was then going by the name Barack Obama at Columbia even though they were both poli sci majors, both Pre-Law, and both graduated the same day in 1983.  Root thought he knew all the other 100 to 150 students in the Political Science Department but he wasn’t alone in not recalling anything about Barack. 

At his 30th class reunion last May, everyone remembered  Root, “the token big-mouthed conservative patriot” but, like Root, not one of his friends remembered ever meeting, seeing, or hearing anyone refer to Barack Obama. . . . (Read more at

Monday, November 11, 2013

Nothing Seems to Startle Anyone Anymore

Nothing Seems to Startle Anyone Anymore 

A selection of non-startling events:

When the editorial page editor of the so-called “Paper of Record" freely admits “We have a high threshold for whether someone lied,” no one even blinks.

When a gang of blacks rape a 16-year-old white girl, beat her so badly that she bled from her ears and  videotape their unprovoked attack, few people are incensed.

When the nation’s most prolific abortion provider announces a plan to instruct teens and even pre-schoolers on how to have sex, no one seems to care.

When a noted law center which boasts that it fights hate, teaches tolerance, and seeks justice charges that the recent LAX shooter was inspired by “far-right homophobes,” not many object.

When a raunchy, homosexual is paid $24,000 for a speech at an American university, including how-to discussions with students on gay perversions, no public uproar ensues.

When a former black congressman and a highly-acclaimed, black conservative economist and social theorist, predict that our country is on the precipice of an all-out race war, who demands an investigation into that possibility? 

You would think the average American would sit up and take serious notice of what’s going on in our country today.  But, they’re not.

Brainwashed by President Barack Hussein Obama and his dedicated henchmen in the mainstream media into believing lying is fine when it comes to shielding the president, persuaded that white girls tend to lie after being raped, convinced that Planned Parenthood is committed to planning parenthood, certain that those who differ on same-sex marriage are murderous lunatics, encouraged to permit obscene Bible-mockers to speak to their children, and convinced that a potential race war in America is merely the product of a disturbed figment of twisted, conservative minds, most Americans today opt to ignore those ugly realities rather than confront them. . . .  (Read more at

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lies, Damned Lies, and Obama Lies


In Samuel Langhorne Clemens’/Mark Twain’s “Chapters from My Autobiography,” the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn quoted Benjamin Disraeli’s memorable observation that “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Were Mark Twain alive today, he might have appended, “and outrageous lies used to cover up previous outrageous lies.”
America’s well-established Liar-in-Chief, President Barack Hussein Obama, has now outdone his habit of deceitful prevarication with his baldfaced fabrication that he never, ever, ever, promised that, “If you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period,” despite the fact he has been captured on video on at least 29 occasions telling Americans they could do just that and thereby avoid being assigned to an Obamacare-approved health plan and physician.
In a classic instance of cynically dishonest revisionism, delivered to what Rush Limbaugh describes as low-information voters on Monday at the St. Regis hotel in Washington, Obama tried to rectify that widespread, oft-videotaped misperception by announcing, “What we said was you could keep [your health plan] if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed.”
A less-dignified observer than I would characterize that sheer bullshit as sheer bullshit.
Our Liar-in-Chief explained the exception–his gross lie–to his enthusiastic supporters (and just coincidentally Obamacare beneficiaries) by declaring, “If we had allowed these old plans [to continue] . . . then we would have broken  an even more important promise–making sure that Americans gain access to  health care that doesn’t leave them one illness away from financial ruin.  So the bottom line is, is that we are making the insurance market better for  everybody.” 
“Better” may be a matter of interpretation but few people who are forced into a government-operated health plan, forced out of a medical plan they may have had and liked for years, and forced to hunt for a new, Obamacare-approved doctor when they had long trusted and relied on their former physician(s) will consider themselves anything but better off. . . (Read more at