Saturday, March 29, 2014

A "Knockout Game" Failure

A "Knockout Game" Failure

Black girls just wanna have fun-un too!  And, if that fun involves the so-called “knockout game,” all the better! 

Liberal-leftists, such as Jon Stewart, deny the existence of the widespread game of blacks sneaking up on unsuspecting white people of any age or gender, cold-cocking them, attempting to knock them out, and usually filming the fun until it happens to someone near and dear. 

Their denials persist despite a CBS News New York report that “Examples Of Troubling ‘Knockout’ Game Popping Up All Over” which notes that “Brutal video is coming in from various places, including Pittsburgh, where a teacher was attacked, and London, where a teen was hit from behind. On Tuesday afternoon, CBS 2 learned of another victim–a 78-year-old woman attacked a week ago Saturday.”

That limited exposé fails to capture anywhere near the full extent of the vicious, unprovoked attacks occurring nationwide and abroad as previously detailed in this space.
It seems, though, there is a technique to the mindless violence that black girls have yet to master since at least one group of young, black thugettes in North Philadelphia attacked but failed to knock unconscious a 19 year old Temple University student with a brick.

The victim understandably wants to maintain her anonymity but Philly police released surveillance video footage showing some ten teenaged girls assaulting the victim while she was walking with her 20 year old boyfriend near the Temple campus last Friday evening. 

The mob, consisting mostly of females ranging variously estimated at aged 8 to 17, began the assault by taunting the young couple and followed them like a pack of hungry wolves until a 15 year old smashed the white girl in the face with a brick while the others tried to rob her beau.

The victim ended up with dislocated teeth and a fractured jaw and was rushed to a nearby hospital for emergency surgery. 
The mob’s mission failed, however . . . (Read more at

Friday, March 28, 2014

Arne Duncan Screws Up Again!

Arne Duncan Screws Up Again!

America’s Secretary of Education, Obama-buddy Arne Duncan, never taught a class or wrote a lesson plan in his life but he did attend the elite University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, majored in sociology at Harvard, and later presided over the disintegration of Chicago’s public schools. 

An Obama loyalist, Sec. Duncan made headlines last year when he said it was “fascinating” that much of the opposition to the disastrous Common Core State Standards scheme has come from “white suburban moms who–all of a sudden–[discovered] their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were, and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were.”

Aside from his embarrassing subject-word agreement faux pas in that statement made to educators, Sec. Duncan also thereby unwittingly demonstrated his fundamental liberal-leftist contempt for the intelligence of the hoi polloi, particulary for the I.Q.s of America’s white suburban moms who were understandably outraged.

Of course, Duncan dutifully and quickly issued a standard pro-forma apology for his ungrammatical, racist ramblings.

However, he obviously hasn’t learned his lesson since his department just released a study which unequivocably, sort of, not really, proves that those moms and other clearly bigotted people must be involved in an undeclared alliance with public school teachers, administrators, and school boards–and possibly even school custodians–in conspiring to discriminate against kids of color as young as five years of age!

With the nation’s racist Attorney General Eric Holder at his side to accent the seriousness if not the criminality of the educational crisis at hand and keeping in mind that results from studies are only as reliable as their “study-ers” and the extent of their bias, Duncan didn’t say he was as fascinated by his study as he was by all those “white suburban moms” but both he and Holder are appalled at the so-called “school to prison pipeline.” . . . (Read more at

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Bitch, a Lunatic, and a Nuke

A Bitch, a Lunatic, and a Nuke

The following are pertinent updates on articles recently posted regarding Michelle Obama, Mireille Miller-Young, and nuclear war.

— “Nouveaux Riches–the Obamas” dealt with the disgusting abuse of American taxpayers by our Royal Couple who, as nouveaux riches, believe they are somehow entitled to brazenly milk the strapped U.S. treasury for all it used to be worth with their royal extravagances.

It now turns out that Michelle Obama can be as much a bitch at home as she and her mother have been in China.

While diplomatically hedging his language in a New Republic article, former White House assistant press secretary Reid Cherlin wrote that working for the FLOTUS is “confining, frustrating, even miserable” due to her “exacting but often ambivalent  leadership style” in a White House where “Jealousy and discontentment have festered, as courtiers squabble over the allocation of responsibility and access to Mrs. Obama, both of which can be aggravatingly scarce.” 

With an eye toward his future in the Democrat Party, Cherlin never actually calls Michelle a bitch and even compliments her to a degree but you don’t have to read between his lines to understand he thinks she’s harridan to work for.

— “Tolerating Intolerance” outlined the case of Mireille Miller-Young, a pro-abortion professor of Feminist Studies at UC Santa Barbara specializing in pornography, queer theory, and black film study who stole a sign, assaulted a 16 year old, and incited an angry mob because the young girl was participating in a peaceful pro-life demonstration on campus–within the university’s designated “free speech area.”

Police responded and investigated but made no arrests at the time.  However, nine days later, after reviewing the girl’s videotaped recording of the attack, the intolerant prof was charged with criminal battery, vandalism, and robbery.  Miller-Young claimed she was morally justified . . . (Read more at

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hobby Lobby Lies

Hobby Lobby Lies

As this is being written, the Supreme Court of the United States is listening to pro- and con- oral arguments on the question of whether the Christian-owned and operated chain Hobby Lobby arts and crafts stores and the Mennonite Christian’s Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp are entitled to what’s left of their constitutional rights.

As usual with the lib-left abortion lobby, HuffPo has distorted the real issues before SCOTUS.
First of all, as a ”privately held company,” by definition Hobby Lobby is wholly owned by a relatively minuscule number of shareholders and does not offer or trade its stock to the general public.

HuffPo may be technically correct in asserting Hobby Lobby’s case for exemption from certain Obamacare provisions they feel are onerously immoral and based on “the religious beliefs of its shareholders.” 

However, any implication that the company is doing so out of consideration for its stock price or to satisfy the wishes of those who own Hobby Lobby stock is misleading since the chain is owned almost exclusively by members of its founding family and like-thinking, Christian relatives and friends and not by the public.

In essence, therefore, the FDA’s insistence that Hobby Lobby must subsidize abortion coverage for its employees is the equivalent of demanding a group of religious individuals must provide insurance coverage it considers morally repugnant and contrary to their rights to free expession of their religion under the First Amendment to the Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.

Secondly, and more significantly, Hobby Lobby’s ardently Christian CEO David Green has not gone to court in order to block all FDA-approved contraceptives such as Sandra Fluke’s more common favorites. 

Rather, Mr. Green reasonably objects to the federal government’s mandate that his company provide so-called “emergency contraceptives,” a euphemism for early abortions, or else pay steep fines for the privilege of exercising and defending fundamental precepts of his faith.

Green contends his ”family’s religious beliefs forbid them from participating in, providing access to, paying for, training others to engage in, or otherwise supporting abortion-causing drugs and devices.” . . . (Read more at

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nouveaux Riches–the Obamas

Personally, I sort of admire many of the nouveaux riches, people who have recently become wealthy and who spend tons of money like the Unsinkable Molly Brown as portrayed by Kathy Bates in “Titanic,” people who may be obnoxious but have a good heart.   

I even admire some multi-gazillionaires who scored big time due to their ingenuity and hard work since they deserve to be ostentatious if they want to be. 

The people I don’t admire at all are nouveaux riches who achieved their lofty financial status through apparently dishonest, improper means like Microsoft’s Bill Gates and I especially don’t admire those who got rich for no reason other than their political connections, greedily bank their gains, and then abuse far less wealthy American taxpayers by hosting extravagant parties and outrageously-extravagant vacations like President Barack Hussein Obama and his lovely bride, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama have done for more than five years. 

In order to perpetuate the bald-faced lie for the benefit of their prime constituency that she and Barack are “two of them,” Lady O has often suggested they succeeded in life despite their (fabricated) impoverished backgrounds. 

If any further evidence were needed for their prevarications, both have demonstrated their utter contempt for taxpayers mired in the midst of the saddest excuse for an economic recovery in our history by, once again, flying off at the cost of tens of millions of dollars per-flight and per-vacation on what essentially amount to self-serving junkets. 

With the president’s signature Obamacare legislation on the ropes and the deadline for sign-ups drawing near, a deadline that will assuredly be pushed back when expected signatories refuse to commit to his Democrat congress’ absurd and un-workable socialistic scheme, Obama tried to divert attention from that travesty.

He flew to the Hague on Saturday ostensibly for the purpose of mollifying terrified Europe’s fears over the Russian invasion of Crimea and Russian President Putin’s threats to Ukraine if not to all of Europe.  He might also want to reassure Europeans that he has a backbone, a feature he hasn’t often displayed. 

And when Obama travels, he has plenty of company, expensive company, and he goes in style. 

–After five years, the most traveling president in America’s history has taken 31 trips for a total of 119 days abroad as contrasted with Ronald Reagan’s five year totals of 14 trips for 73 days and Americans are now laying out about $228,288 per Air Force One flight hour in 2013, a 27% increase over previous estimates. (National Taxpayers Union) 

–His two day trip to South Africa to pay homage to Nelson Mandela last June cost taxpayers over $2.2 million for hotel rooms and rental cars alone. (State Department figures) 
–When he brought the whole clan on a weeklong visit to Senegal and Tanzania, the tab ran to over $100 million. (Washington Post estimate)
–When he arrives in Brussels Tuesday night he will have no fewer than 900 others in his retinue to assist and protect him plus some 45 vehicles and 3 cargo planes to get him and his people around, while costing the city €10,000,000 in extra expenses. (Brussels mayor, Yvan Mayeur) 
All very impressive numbers for a poor boy from Honolulu still getting used to the trappings of life as a nouveaux riche.

Mrs. Obama, though, far outshines Mr. Obama in the entitled extravagance department.  

Lady O not only decided that reporters were personae non gratae on her current China trip but reporters who showed up anyway were blocked from covering her many events, verbally abused by officials, and ordered to stay far enough away so photogs couldn’t snap embarrassing pictures of her and her entourage  at China’s Great Wall or in their Forbidden City.  

Photos might have captured them under a huge rock inscription above the Wall reading, “Loyal to Chairman Mao,” which could  have contributed to suspicions the Obamas have Communist leanings. . . . (Read more at

Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama's "Most Feared Reporter," Sharyl Attkisson

Obama's "Most Feared Reporter," Sharyl Attkisson


CBS News’ announcement last August that investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson’s personal computer had  been hacked by “an unauthorized, external, unknown party on multiple occasions” wasn’t the first indicator that something was seriously amiss between CBS and Attkisson.
Oddly or not so oddly, the network has yet to determine just who was responsible though unproven suspicions run deep that Attkisson’s computer was hacked either by someone at CBS or by agents of President Barack Hussein Obama.  After all, who had more to gain?

Following a cursory investigation, CBS spokeswoman Sonya McNair said, ”Evidence suggests this party performed all access remotely using Attkisson’s accounts. While no malicious code was found, forensic analysis revealed an intruder had executed commands that appeared to involve search and exfiltration of data. This party also used sophisticated methods to remove all possible indications of unauthorized activity, and alter system times to cause further confusion.”

It seems the intruding party in question was something of an expert at the fine art of hacking.

For obvious reasons, McNair failed to mention that Attkisson was widely known as the White House’s “most feared reporter” or that her employer is widely recognized as one of the president’s more rabid supporters.

The married, 53 year old Attkisson, a veteran, 20 year CBS employee who boasts a third degree taekwondo black belt, was finally allowed to resign on March 10th after unsuccessfuly attempting to break her contract a year ago.  She didn’t intimidate Obama with her martial arts skills but rather by her distinctively no-nonsense approach to getting at the truth in news stories, truth he and his minions didn’t especially like.

Just coincidentally, she had been doggedly investigating the murderous debacle in Benghazi–after exposing the “Fast and Furious” and Solyndra cover-up scandals–when her computer was hacked. . . . (Read more at

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lady O's Fat Fury

Lady O's Fat Fury

Many of America’s First Ladies have chosen causes they feel so passionate about as to make them their legacies.

Dolley Madison actively supported various charities to help orphans.  Mary Todd Lincoln promoted efforts to provide care to Union soldiers and helped organize relief services for freed former slaves and injured soldiers.  Eleanor Roosevelt fought for equal rights.

More recently, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy helped restore the White House, Lady Bird Johnson advocated for the “beautification” of the nation,  Rosalynn Carter contributed to her husband’s failed presidency by sitting in on his Cabinet meetings, Nancy Reagan became almost synonymous with her anti-drug “Just Say No” campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton pushed for a misbegotten health care system, and Laura Bush primarily concerned herself with children, education, and women’s health.

Our current First “Lady,” Michelle Robinson LaVaughn Obama, could have chosen to lead by example or campaign against something more substantive such as curing the black crime epidemic but instead became obsessed with the idea of forcing fat kids to get thinner and growing vegetables at the White House. 

Not only are kids not slimming down but the veggies in the garden she rarely tends have often gone to rot.

Lady O’s cause of curing child obesity, if not her raison d’etre, her reason for being, was at least planned to be her legacy, a legacy that has gone down the tubes even faster than her hubby’s . . . (Read more at

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tolerating Intolerance

Tolerating Intolerance

Along with diversity, tolerance is a favorite buzzword of America’s liberal-leftists and, as with most things liberal-leftist, both words are hypocritically applied only to those ideas and situations which fit neatly into their belief systems, i.e., diversity must reflect what they think should be diverse and tolerance must not be extended to anything or anyone remotely conservative.

For example, while wholeheartedly endorsing diversity in our society, schools, courts, in virtually every human activity, especially when it comes to racial and sexual minorities, the mostly Democrat lib-left takes great umbrage when conservatives complain that the mainstream media are probably among the least politically diverse institutions on Earth.

Do as they say, not as they do.  As long as you’re sharing kumbaya moments, who needs forced diversity, one of the most divisive issues in America?

As for diversity’s kissing cousin, tolerance, that idea is abused even more frequently by our liberal-leftist friends .

Loosely defined as a willingness to accept differing feelings, habits, or beliefs in the interests of societal cohesion and concord, their interpretation of what tolerance means has devolved into its twisted opposite, intolerance, the refusal to tolerate contrary opinions and the supposed rejection of people of different races or backgrounds.

Instances of such hypocritical intolerance abound and are much too numerous to detail in this space but below are a few selected examples of how the lib-left has distorted the potentially-beneficial concept of tolerance into a pernicious propaganda disease, a disease for which they never offer a cure but rather try to make it an epidemic.

–According to The Morning Journal News, an Oberlin College professor of Oriental extraction is suing Oberlin–where students shell out $50,000 a year for the privilege of matriculating–alleging that a Muslim professor has been harassing her.

Prof. Eunjung An contends that Ali Yedes, has repeatedly and overtly discriminated against her and  other female employees in the French and Comparative Literature Departments and actually once told an employee that he brought his nephew to the U.S. on a student visa specifically to “stab and kill someone from his  department.”

Eight years after the harassment began, Associate Professor Yedes is still on the job and not a peep has been heard from ultra-tolerant liberal-leftist defenders of tolerance since, apparently, they don’t consider Orientals as worthy of attention as blacks and Latinos and certainly not when they’re threatened by an adherent to the Religion of Peace.

–Another educator, a lowly assistant philosophy prof at Rochester Institute of Technology, Lawrence Torcello, has suggested a unique plan to resolve the contentious debate over global cooling/global warming/climate change. . . . (Read more at

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What the New York and Boston St. Patrick's Day Parades Missed

What the New York and Boston St. Patrick's Day Parades Missed


A great time was had by all the hundreds of thousand marchers and millions of onlookers at Sunday’s St. Patrick’s parade in South Boston and at the parade to end all parades, the 253rd edition of New York City’s St. Pat’s Parade up Fifth Avenue on Monday.

In regrettable breaks with long-standing traditions, missing from the Boston Irish festival were Beantown’s Irish-American Democrat Mayor Marty Walsh and the Big Apple’s new Communist/Democrat Mayor Bill De Blasio. 

Joined by beer-makers Guinness, Heinekin, and Sam Adams, both mayors boycotted their respective city’s parades for the same reason–refusals by principled parade committees to succumb to demands by the mayoral duo and their homosexual supporters to turn family-oriented parades into walking advertisements for the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender (LGBT) movement.   

No doubt their presence would have been replete with the obscene gay exhibitionism typical of homosexual parades in previous San Francisco and “Gay Pride” marches in New York City, Boston, and elsewhere.

More so in Massachusetts than in New York, and still reflecting the powerful influence of the LGBT lobby, politicians were in short supply this year following failed negotiations between a gay advocacy group and parade organizers.

Just before the six-week negotiations collapsed, Mayor Walsh, whose sexual proclivities aren’t publicly known and who was barely two months in office,  announced in an obvious effort to pressure the organizers to comply with his and the LGBT’s demands, “It comes down to being able to identify yourself in the parade.”

Walsh went on to say, ”If the gay community is marching with me, whether they’re veterans or anybody else, if they can’t be identified like every other group in the parade is identified, I will not be marching in the parade.”

No one is on record noting his absence anymore than anyone much cared that Mayor De Blasio had insulted every person of Irish heritage in New York by refusing to participate in NYC’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Often incensed for one thing or another, gays have been especially livid for years over parade policy that no one is ever permitted to march and advocate any cause not expressly related to the Irish or to Chistianity or Ireland or with banners or signs identifying marchers as members of the Plumbers Union or socialists or the Bird Watchers of America–or as homosexuals. . . (Read more at

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day (With Reservations)

Happy St. Patrick's Day (With Reservations)

Forget for now the annual upheaval involving homosexuals demanding that they be accorded special treatment that has recently  accompanied and sullied the celebration of the Christian Feast of St. Patrick, more commonly known as St. Patrick’s Day.  (See below.)

Forget for now the fact that March 17th commemorates Lá Fhéile Pádraig, the date on which St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, died in the fifth century after bringing Christianity to that pagan land, and to many people who subsequently dedicated their lives to sharing their new religion with those less enlightened to the faith.  

Forget for now that Lá Fhéile Pádraig was intended to celebrate the religious heritage and culture of Irish men, women, and children worldwide with parades and festivities to demonstrate their pride and resilience, their very survival, in the face of centuries of violent invasions, brutal oppression, deadly famines, and a diaspora that spread the population around the globe, including the 34.7 million who claim Irish ancestry in our country.

Forget for now that the tiny island called Ireland which encompasses a mere 32,599 square miles populated by less than 7 million souls, versus the United States’ 3.5 million miles and over 318 million, has produced the greatest number of saints, scholars, writers, etc. per-capita than any other nation on the planet. 

Forget all that for now but do remember , . . (Read more at

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Guns, Egyptians, Nitwits, and Black Swans

Guns, Egyptians, Nitwits, and Black Swans

The following four videos involve a young girl instructing grown men and women on the inherent fallacies of gun control, an Egyptian woman demonstrating gross ingratitude toward America’s president, a black congresswoman showing that ignorance isn’t confined only to the illiterate, and swans and goldfish setting an excellent example for race relations in our country.

On Thursday, a superspunky 9 year old New Jersey girl, who will remain  unidentified here to protect her from anti-gun nuts since she happens to be an active, competitive shooter, testified before the New Jersey Law and Public Safety Committee. 

The subject at hand related to a proposed 10-round gun magazine limit and Ms. Spunky had to school the Garden State legislators on the realities, legalities, and practicalities of the useless proposal.

Amazingly, she was received respectfully and applauded enthusiastically by the predominantly-Democrat, predominantly-gun control advocates.  It remains to be seen whether her testimony will sway the Dems to vote rationally or whether they will succumb to pressure from misguided constituents who still ardently believe that guns and not people kill other people.

See lil Ms. Spunky’s riveting testimony and the reaction here
A much different vid captured an Egyptian woman and supporter of deposed Egyptian dictator Mohamed Morsi demanding that the Muslim world’s once-favorite American president, Barack Hussein Obama, “shut up your mouth.”

The rather incensed, gap-toothed woman clearly articulates her venom by screaming the obviously-rehearsed rant, “I’d like to convey the following message to Obama. Listen, Obama. We are Egyptian women. You are listen, Obama? Shut up your mouth, Obama. Shut up your mouth, Obama!” (

How utterly rude of her!  It seems she is unaware that the guy she is telling to shut up is the same guy who has often expressed his deep love and admiration for all things Islamic and is widely suspected of being a closeted Muslim!

Texas Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee proved once again that low-information voters will cast their ballots for just about anyone . . . (Read more and see the other videos at

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Rotten Core of the Common Core: Part Nine

The Rotten Core of the Common Core: Part Nine

As expected, the rotten core of the Common Core gets more rotten by the week, if not by the day.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is that Lincoln has been proven absolutely right in saying, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” 

Parents and elementary school kids have almost become accustomed to Core’s Byzantine solutions to simple math problems; parents of high schoolers are regularly shocked with the trashy novels their tenth graders are required to read; educators are bewildered as to the necessity of the constant testing and their resulting need to “teach to the test.”

Now comes verification of the reality many of us have been saying all along, namely that the basic principles of the Common Core State Standards Initiative were not state initiatives at all.  They were not hatched in America’s 50 states, nor by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers but were in fact the misbegotten brainchildren of President Barack Hussein Obama’s liberal-leftist White Houses coterie who are using arm-twisting to coerce states to adopt the rotten Core.

Last week, Andy Smarick at Core-supporter Thomas B. Fordham Institute complained that Obama’s education budget proposal gave the administration credit for so many states signing on to Common Core not because it was untrue but because, “The anti-Common Core forces will likely use this language as evidence that Common Core was federally driven,” which it obviously is.

Furthermore, according to the Cato Institute, President Obama is not only now taking credit for the idea but “almost certainly wants to make the Core permanent by attaching annual federal funding to its use.”  That would be the aforementioned federal coercion cudgel employed to keep cash-strapped states and school districts obsequiously in line or risk being denied access to the fed money pot.  

When your enemies attack you, it’s anticipated.  When your friends attack you, it’s either a sign they’re not true friends or that they don’t like what your saying or doing.

The National Education Association, the largest teachers’ union in America, is one of the truest friends of the federal government and the president so when the NEA turned on the Core, it means trouble in River City and across the nation. . . . (Read more at

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Zach and Barry (6-Minute) Comedy Hour

The Zach and Barry (6-Minute) Comedy Hour


President Barack Hussein Obama would be the last to deny he’s infatuated with all things Hollywood and sometimes seems to be auditioning for a role in a comedy flick.  In fact, many people believe he’s entertaining and often as laughable as Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, especially when Barry commits one of his many alleged gaffes and bloopers. 
They must be intentionally idiotic remarks since they’re so dumb they make Joe look like a Rhodes Scholar and they couldn’t possibly have been true gaffes and bloopers allegedly uttered by a noted constitutional scholar!

After all, maybe America really does have 57 or 58 states and maybe “corpse” is an alternate pronunciation of “corps” and maybe Special Olympics kids are as klutzy as Obama is at bowling, etc. etc. etc. 

Barry has already tried his hand at stand-up comedy–during his rare press conferences in front of friendly audiences consisting predominantly of his avid fans among the White House Press Corps. 

However, he really went Hollywood when he went toe-to-toe in a sit-down skit with comedian Zach Galifianakis on Galifianakis’ Web show “Between Two Ferns” on the website Funny or Die in which Galifianakis asks celebs uncomfortable questions hoping his they will say something funny.

Well, the president of the United States didn’t disappoint in his Bud Abbott-like straight man role opposite Galifianakis’ Lou Costello.  He was indeed funny but not in the usual sense of the word.  He was funny as in odd and incongruous considering he holds the disputable position as Leader of the Free World and here he was trying to pull off a comedy sketch that, as per most accounts, flopped Big Time.

As observed, . . . (

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

AARP's Two Masters, Mammon and Obama (Part One)

AARP's Two Masters, Mammon and Obama (Part One)

PART ONE: AARP and Mammon

AARP’s advertised motto, “To serve, not to be served,” mischaracterizes both the purpose and function of the 56 year old organization.

Formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons, a name changed when it decided it could rake in more money by opening its doors to anyone over 50 retired or not, and originally known as the National Retired Teachers Association until it branched out for the same reason, AARP principally serves two masters, their pagan god of greed, Mammon, and their political god, Barack Hussein Obama.  

Any services provided to AARP’s 40 million gullible members are entirely tangential. 

For those unaware, when you hit the ripe old age of 50 and whether you’re interested or not, AARP will undoubtedly send you a membership card and invite you to join the ranks of those millions of others who foolishly believe they are in the business of looking out for the best interests of America’s elderly and soon-to-be elderly and who are oblivious to the truth that the organization makes over a billion dollars annually from advertisers and promoters of its wide variety of offerings.

None of this is meant in any way to disparage money-making in our capitalistic economic system. 

Rather, what’s repugnant is that AARP still presents itself as a peoples’ advocate or, as CEO A. Barry Rand says on their website, “AARP helps you live the best life at any age.” 

Add to that baloney the fact that it is deep in President Obama’s pocket and subserviently supports every policy the administration supports however detrimental to members those policies may be, AARP could very well be the greatest corporate charlatan in America. 

AARP hopes to accomplish the lofty goal of bettering everyone’s lives by peddling, at a hefty profit, everything from life insurance to long-term care insurance to health insurance to auto insurance to homeowners’ and renters’ insurance, to the biggest boondoggle of all, Medigap policies. 

In addition, they sell loss leaders like driver safety courses as well as a whole slew of other “benefits” you may never need or want but all of which accrue to the benefit of AARP’s bottom line. . . (Read more at

Monday, March 10, 2014

Lena Dunham, Exposed on SNL!

Lena Dunham, Exposed on SNL!

What Lena Dunham lacks in talent and grace and taste she apparently thinks she can compensate for with chutzpa and crudeness and an insatiable appetite for public exhibitionism, all of  which proclivities Lorne Michaels and his “Saturday Night Live” cohorts must have felt would be the ingredients for a spectacular show and great ratings.

They were miserably wrong on all counts–mainly in picking “Girls” creator and star Dunham to host last Saturday.  Dunham bombed with her chutzpa, crudity, and exhibitionism as well as in the ratings game.

And, it’s not as if NBC didn’t hype her appearance by putting Dunham on its Today and Late Night with Seth Meyers shows prior to her hosting “SNL,” all to little avail. 

According to, the 27 year old presumptuous actress/comedienne pulled in a “4.1 household rating in the metered markets and a 2.1 in adults 18-49 in the markets with Local People Meters. That was down 11% in households and down 19% in 18-49 from last week’s show hosted by Jim Parsons. These are SNL‘s second-lowest results of the season in both households and 18-49.”

Those lousy numbers prove once again that it’s impossible to make a silk purse out of a sow’s rump no matter how much promotion a network does.

“SNL” long ago lost the luster that made it one of the most popular shows on NBC before its decline from the “not ready for prime time players” into the “not ready for any time hosts.”  Three nights ago the show lost whatever claim to fame it ever had as well as any shred of decency it had left, all thanks to Lena Dunham.

“SNL” also long ago lost its satirical sense of purpose and instead of ridiculing foolishness and corruption through biting humor, last Saturday, Lorne and Company resorted to a mocking, borderline-blasphemous skit posed as comedy and featuring a naked Lena Dunham in the role of Eve and Taran Killam as a similarly-naked Adam satirizing the Bible’s Book of Genesis, life in the Garden of Eden, and God Himself.

Clearly a product of her parentage, of her Protestant father, Carroll Dunham, who paints “overtly sexualized pop art” and her Jewish mother, Laurie Simmons, who “photographs artistic domestic scenes with dolls” . . . (Read more at

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mostly Good Abortion News!

Mostly Good Abortion News!


It's difficult to imagine anything good about legally or illegally snuffing out the lives of innocent pre-born infants since the “procedure” is inherently evil but, still, there is some good news concerning the status of abortion in America today.

CBSNews, an avid abortion supporter, bemoaned the fact that “The last abortion clinic in the vast, impoverished Rio Grande Valley closed Thursday, along with the sole remaining clinic in the 400-mile stretch between Houston and the Louisiana border.”

Those closures mean that 19 Texas abortion clinics, with 24 left to go, have now shut their doors thanks to last year’s imposition of “tough new abortion restrictions.” 

Not mentioned by CBS, those restrictions were designed to provide crucial safeguards to protect the health of Texas women who now receive substandard care in unregulated and unsafe abortion mills and to save the pre-born from excruciatingly painful executions by banning abortions after 20 weeks.

Other good news regarding the abortion industry includes the encouraging reality that more U.S. states have restricted abortions in the last two years than in the previous decade and that the Oklahoma House of Representatives just passed a bill vitually identical to the Texas law.

Abortion truths tend to hurt, and hurt badly, but they don’t hurt at all when the people most affected choose to ignore the truths or are misled into thinking they are lies.

Last month, posted a story titled, “More Black Babies Are Aborted than Born in New York City” which cited data from N.Y.C.’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to prove that very sad truth.

In fact, the complete data are worse.

While blacks comprise approximately 25% of the population, the Big Apple recorded that, of the 73,815 abortions performed in 2012, 42.4% took the lives of black babies; more than 6,500 more blacks, 31,328 as opposed to 24,758, were aborted than born.  The stats are chilling and support the contention that an African-American genocide is in progress thanks to Roe v. Wade, abortion mills like Planned Parenthood of Ameica, and black activists such as Al Sharpton who persistently defend PPoA and its founder, the racist geneticist, Margaret Sanger.

(Incidentally, that article gained national attention after pro-life actress Patricia Heaton bravely tweeted the link,

Valerie Gatto, newly-crowned Miss Pennsylvania 2014, and her mother represent something of a counterbalance to the atrocious black genocide going on in New York and, with any luck, should be role models for women and girls contemplating abortion since Gatto came close to being aborted.

Her mother was brutally raped at knife-point and nearly murdered. . . (Read more at

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Anachronistic Daylight Savings Time

Anachronistic Daylight Savings Time

If you didn’t spring forward at 2 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) and re-set your clocks ahead to 3 a.m. Daylight Savings Time (DST) on March 9th since it’s the second Sunday in March, you’re already late, or early, or something.  

That is, unless you never bothered to fall back and re-set those same clocks from 2 a.m. (DST) to 1 a.m. (EST) last November 3rd since it was the first Sunday in November, in which case you’re right on schedule though you may have been early, or late, for the last four months. 

That is, unless you’re smarter than the rest of us and live in Arizona or Hawaii, states that have always stayed on God’s Own Time (GOT) and have always rejected the idea of playing the annual American Clock Silliness Game (CSG).

Got all that?

The bad news that you’re losing an hour’s DST sleep today is offset when you recover that hour come November 2 this year EST but nothing ameliorates the fact that the concept of Daylight Savings Time is an antiquated anachronism that has outlived its usefulness, if it ever had any.

Widely regarded as a twentieth century brainchild, DST was actually first suggested in 1784 by one of our Founding Fathers, Ben Franklin, as a method of conserving candles . . . (Read more at

Ms. Rachel Manning, Ungrateful Teenaged Superbitch

Ms. Rachel Manning, Ungrateful Teenaged Superbitch


(The following is the sad tale of a spoiled American teenaged girl, out of control, obsessed with a sense of entitlement, on a slippery slope to a life that often befalls such teens.)

Pretty eighteen year old Rachel Canning’s attorney Tanya Helfand groomed her client well for her appearance in New Jersey’s Morris County Court.

Demurely decked out in her Morris Catholic High School uniform, Rachel, a cheerleader and honors student, posed as a modestly dressed, sweet young lady with barely a smidgen of makeup, subtle lipstick, and teen-requisite eye liner and eyebrow sculpting, and a butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth look that belied her true nature as a nasty, ungrateful, vengeful bitch who is pissed that her parents refused to pay for her errant wild lifestyle–and because they regard her boyfriend as a corruptive influence.

Rachel is suing her parents, Sean and Elizabeth Canning, for ”abandoning” her, calling her “fat” and ”porky,” causing her to become bulimic, and, for good measure, for her retired police chief dad getting her drunk and kissing her inappropriately. 

Not content with those unsubstantiated slanders, previously dismissed as the complaints of  a “spoiled” child, Rachel saw fit to publicly air details of her parents’ annual income to show they were well able to afford to fund her needs after she stormed out of her comfortable home when she hit eighteen.

On the stand in New Jersey’s Morris County Family Court, Rachel whined in front of her incredulous, weeping parents, “My parents simply will not help me any longer. They want nothing to do with me and refuse to even help me financially outside the home although they certainly have the ability to do so. . . . I am unable to support myself and provide for my food, shelter, clothing, transportation and education.”

Poor baby.

Maybe if she hadn’t run away from home she’d be a more sympathetic figure.  Or, maybe if she hadn’t moved into her boyfriend’s house effectively declaring herself fully emancipated, or maybe if she didn’t subsequently relocated to the mansion of Jon Inglesino, father of her best buddy who allegedly had allowed her to get so drunk when she was a 15-year-old and who hosted alcohol-fueled parties for her and her fellow teens and is now funding her legal costs, or maybe if she hadn’t theatened to sue the teacher who got her suspended after he caught caught her drunk with some boys  outside her Homecoming Dance, . . .

Nah, forget the sympathy.  Rachel Manning deserves none . . . (Read more at

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Remarkable Rise of Young Blue Eyes, Ronan Farrow

The Remarkable Rise of Young Blue Eyes, Ronan Farrow

His mother, Mia Farrow, says she doesn’t know whether ’ol blue eyes, Frank Sinatra, or ol’ perv eyes, Woody Allen, impregnated her and Allen thinks “he does look a lot like” Sinatra but the paternity of Satchel Ronan O’Sullivan Farrow, now Ronan Farrow, is obviously irrelevant to his bewildering rise to stardom on MSNBC.

Touted as a veritable reincarnation of Walter Cronkite after being given the “Cronkite Award for Excellence in Exploration and Journalism” after just three days on that low-rated cable network, the twenty six year old Farrow was named to Vanity Fair’s international best-dressed list in December, described as a “reluctant” television star by the New York Times, and as a “humblebrager,” a prideful individual hiding behind a self-deprecating veneer, by PopWatch.
Ronan Farrow certainly has reason to be proud and not self-deprecating. 

He sports a résumé that would be the envy of Chris Matthews or any other  MSNBC personality.

A condensed list of Farrow’s amazing achievements over the course of his 26 years: Bard College grad at 11; Yale Law School at 18; liaison and speech writer for his late mentor Richard Holbrooke; special adviser to Secetary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; UNICEF Spokesperson for Youth; active fundraiser for the United Nations; advocate for Darfuri refugees; Special Adviser for Humanitarian and Non-Governmental Affairs in the Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan; Special Adviser for Global Youth Issues; and Director of the State Department’s Office of Global Youth Issues.

On top of all that, Farrow managed to attend Oxford University for a while to study international relations on a Rhodes Scholarship and was included in New York magazine’s list of  people ”on the verge of changing their worlds” even before he could legally buy adult beverages.

(Some of the preceding was gleaned from Wikipedia so I’m not about to vouch for all it.)

Either Mr. Young Blue Eyes is the most outstanding prodigy to arrive on the world scene since Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and Barack Obama or he’s the best-connected boy-genius in television history.

A big favorite among the Big Apple’s liberal-leftist A-list, Farrow impressed MSNBC president Phil Griffin from the get-go.  Griffin gushed, “Within 20 minutes [of meeting him] I wanted to hire him.  He’s got it.” And now Farrow’s “got it,” namely an MSNBC contract reportedly in the millions.

However, there appears to be a major chink in the gold-plated armor of Mia’s biological son. . . (Read more at

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Boy Scouts, Planned Parenthood, and Spike Lee's New York

Boy Scouts, Planned Parenthood, and Spike Lee's New


When the Boy Scouts of America
shamefully caved to pressure from the homosexual lobby and agreed to accept
openly-gay applicants into its ranks and thereby abandon its century-old,
Christian moral traditions, one of the BSA’s motivations had to have been the
expectation of continued and much-needed
corporate financial support.

However, although they agreed to admit homosexual boys as scouts, the
BSA still wisely denied membership to adult homosexuals as troop leaders, camp counselors, etc. in the interests of
preserving the health and safety of their

That BSA resolution was implemented on January 1st, 2014 and, barely
two months later, the Walt Disney Company
announced it will end funding to the Boy Scouts of America as of 2015
because they stood firm on banning gay adult leaders. Disney made no
announcement of its decision to punish the Scouts for trying to protect kids and
it only became public after the president of a local Boy Scout council in
Orlando, Florida alerted local troops.

Word to the wise: Never underestimate the influence of the LGBT set
and its fellow travelers. Not content with getting the Boy Scouts to radically
change its philosophy regarding gay membership, they are now using the power
of the purse to influence the BSA into allowing known adult homosexuals to
directly interact with their predominantly-minor Scouts.

No one has yet speculated on who will pay the settlements from
lawsuits following sexual assaults committed by Jerry Sandusky


No one should underestimate the depths to which America’s busiest
abortion provider will sink,

Repeatedly caught aborting pre-born babies of underaged and imported
sex slaves as well as botching the abortions of many of its customers, the
baby-killing mills of Planned Parenthood of America are now branching out–into
teaching kids about how to “safely” engage
in sado-masochism and BDSM, and all on the taxpayers’ dimes.

For instance, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England produced a video targeting teens and promoting
sado-masochism and BDSM and suggesting techniques on how to “safely” engage
in such activities. In 2012 , that same Planned Parenthood facility was given
more than over $2.75 million in taxpayer funding and raked in even more last

Their video informs gullible teens that for “National Kink Month,”
BDSM [bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, masochism] is an
“appropriate topic” they should be talking about. Hosted by National Kink Month
spokesperson Laci Green, she very questionably asserts, “People sometimes think
that those who practice BDSM are emotionally scarred or were once abused–not
true, it’s a total myth. BDSM relies upon and creates trust.”

It sounds like the effusive Ms. Green is a BDSM aficionado and has
been there/done that but for her and the PPoA to propose using a semi-graphic
video to induce children to consensually engage in such sexual behavior seems to
me to be as illegal as it is bizarre. . . . (Read more at

Monday, March 3, 2014

Inside the "Progressive" Mind of NYC's Mayor DeBlasio

Inside the "Progressive" Mind of NYC's Mayor DeBlasio


I was a one-time liberal, before I grew up and learned something.  I was certainly not in the same class as today’s liberal-leftists in the Democrat Party and I always (ok, usually) get a good laugh at the extremes to which the lib-left goes nowadays.

Take, for example, the new Communist-Democrat mayor of New York City, “progressive” Bill DeBlasio.

Even prior to his November election, he courageously announced he would rescue hansom carriage horses from their involuntary servitude hauling tourists around Central Park.  If implemented, DeBlasio’s rescue plan would send dozens of carriage drivers to unemployment lines and probably consign their well-tended horses to glue factories or cans of Alpo.

As with all “progressives,” the mayor regards misplaced charities as more important than the well-being of human beings.

Both pre- and post-election, De Blasio made it vividly clear that he considered the highly-effective NYPD policy of stopping, questioning, and frisking suspected criminals constituted racial profiling and was racially discriminatory.  On assuming the mayoralty, he banned the practice, ignoring the reality that stop-question-frisk mainly benefitted blacks in black neighborhoods by getting dangerous miscreants off their streets.

Liberal-leftist politicians proudly and invariably favor criminals' rights over the rights of their law-abiding constituents.

Ever-faithful to his campaign promises, last week the new resident of Gracie Mansion launched his threatened war against what are by far the best alternatives to the miserably-failing New York City’s public school system, charter schools

Those alternatives also happen to be the bane of De Blasio’s most avid supporters, the National Education Association and the New York State United Teachers.

DeBlasio, the NEA and the NYSUT oppose and despise charters because, by virtue of their educational achievements; those schools accent the failures of public school systems and the mayor is counting on the products of those schools to (God forbid!) reelect him in four years.

Last Thursday, De Blasio scrapped former Mayor Bloomberg’s green-lighting of two new Success Academy . . . (Read more at

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Is World War III Beginning in Ukraine?

Is World War III Beginning in Ukraine?

World War I, optimistically dubbed the “war to end all wars,” didn’t begin because Gavrilo Princip assassinated Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by on June 28th, 1914 but because the rabble of Europe had long been embroiled in their petty and major squabbles that were resolvable had they wanted resolution; the assassinations were nothing more than the catalyst for a conflict that would have erupted sooner or later anyway due to the European penchant for warring.

World War II didn’t begin because Germany invaded Poland on September 1st, 1939 but because the Western powers had failed to enforce the Treaty of Versailles by permitting Hitler to remilitarize the Rhineland in March 1936, by failing to intervene when he annexed Austria in 1938, and by acquiesing in his seizure of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia; those failures were the direct result of the prevailing pacifism in the West which sought “peace for our time” at any cost.

The First World War led to the deaths of 37 million people, the Second to the loss of 60 million lives.  If and when it comes, World War III promises to dwarf those numbers and, like the previous conflicts, could be avoided given competent and courageous leadership on the part of the presumptive “Leader of the Free World,” America’s President Barack Hussein Obama. 

Based on his proven record of dithering hesitancy, terminal international naiveté, and questionable interest in anything aside from campaigning, fund raising, and golf, we shouldn’t expect much, and that’s exactly what we’re getting. 
Mercifully not yet a fait accompli, the opening salvos of the Third World War may already have been heard in Ukraine.

Despite Obama’s dire public warning to Russia on Friday that there would be (typically unspecified) costs for any military intervention in Ukraine, a threat that probably gave Russian President Vladimir Putin a hearty chuckle and provoked Russian lawmakers to ask for the recall of the country’s ambassador to America, nothing  changed.

Despite Obama’s 90 minute Saturday phone call to Putin vapidly expressing his ”deep concern over Russia’s clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity” and urging Putin to de-escalate tensions by withdrawing  his invading troops back to Crimea, nothing changed.

Despite the request by the United Nations’ Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for “an immediate restoration of calm and direct dialogue between all concerned to solve the current crisis” in Ukraine and his vow to call Putin to express his “grave” concerns, nothing changed.

Well, “nothing changed” isn’t quite correct.  

Changes have occurred, none of them good and all of them the consequences of our weak and disrespected president. . . (Read more at

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Oscar Hypocrisy

Oscar Hypocrisy

Some 40 million people are expected to tune in Sunday night to watch the 86th annual AcademyAwards when the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences pats itself on the back for jobs well done and confers Oscars on those actors, actresses, directors, etc. who best reflect excellence in the film industry–and who are deemed most politically correct in conforming to Hollywood’s liberal-leftist standards of achievement.

True, there are rare exceptions to that unwritten rule, when the almost 6,000 Academy voting members are beset by nagging guilt over their biased choices and toss a bone to a conservative.  That conscience attack occurred in 1970 when they awarded Republican conservative John Wayne the Oscar for Best Actor in “True Grit.”

More probably, they were rewarding Wayne for being a liberal during his misguided younger days.

However, almost always, they reserve their top honors for those who obediently march in their political lock step and this year there will be no exceptions to the Academy’s cardinal PC rule.

Don’t expect writer-director Peter Berg or actor Mark Wahlberg to walk to the stage at L.A.’s Dolby Theater to accept an award for “Lone Survivor” anymore than Mel Gibson was recognized by the movie industry for his 2004 “Passion of the Christ. 

You see, Hollywood-types despise war movies that depict incredibly courageous American soldiers who sacrifice their lives out of a sense of national honor as much as they can’t stand religious movies even if they are accorded multiple other awards, attract record audiences, and earn over $600,000,000. 

Comically, . . . (