Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Arizona Governor Brewer Bows to Bullying

Arizona Governor Brewer Bows to Bullying

Arizonans had been through all this before and have again surrendered principle to their wallets: Late Wednesday, under cover of darkness, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed SB 1062.

Back in 1987, the Grand Canyon State rescinded its endorsement of Martin Luther King Day on the bases of its firm belief that the assassinated civil rights champion was too subversive to have a holiday dedicated in his memory and that it was patently wrong to name any day honoring just one man in the civil rights movement. . . .

Apparently believing religious beliefs now constitute an “improper standard,” Brewer obsequiously bowed to the lib-left demands by vetoing SB 1062 which would have amended a 1999 Arizona law called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and was intended to reinforce the rights of vendors to follow their religious consciences by, for example, refusing to provide services for gay weddings. . . . (Read more at

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