Why Isn't the Military Coming to Help Us? Part Two
(Part One dealt with an American soldier’s explanation of why our
military may not come to the defense of Americans should the current
deterioration of our civil order lead to another civil war. His letter sheds
light on a problem that is becoming more and more frightening everyday. Some
have wondered why the military doesn’t come to our aid against the tyrannical
administration which is currently devastating our country.
The short answer:
They can’t.
Part Two deals with evidence that America’s president and his
liberal-leftist administration may already be preparing for a second American
civil war in which the military will be on their side.)
Almost a year ago, in “Where Have All the Bullets Gone? And Other
Civil Questions,” I asked a few semi-rhetorical questions:
–Where have all the 1.4 billion bullets purchased last year and the
600,000 recently purchased by our Department of Homeland Security (for a grand
total of two billion .40 caliber, 9mm, and now hollow point bullets)
gone and where are they going?
–Where have all the 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles,
(MRAPs), retrofitted fighting vehicles designed to survive improvised explosive
devices, ambushes, and land mines, gone and where are they going?
–Where have all the drones, which Attorney General Holder said “could
conceivably. . . [be used by the military] if necessary to protect the homeland”
before he retracted that outrage by denying Obama would ever “use drone strikes
against American citizens on American soil,” gone and where are they
–Where have all the 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, the
supplies of body armor, and the riot gear requisitioned by the DHS over the past
two years gone and where are they going?
In “What the Hell Is Going on with Obama’s FEMA,” I wondered why the
president’s Federal Emergency Management Agency is setting up internment camps
and has purchased thousands of coffin liners.
Obama never did address the coffin liners but he did try to explain
the necessity of the camps which he euphemistically called “Prolonged Detention”
camps–to distinguish them from concentration camps. Through his favorite
end-run around Congress and the Constitution, our commander in chief issued
executive orders establishing the non-concentration camps for the purpose of
protecting Americans in the event of a national security emergency.
In addition to setting up the detention facilities, . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=35809.)
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