Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Great News from TV-Land!

Great News from TV-Land!

Some great news has recently emanated from TV-Land!  No, not from the basic cable channel TV Land but rather from the left-wing CNN and the extreme left-wing MSNBC.
CNN and MSNBC and their rapidly-dwindling audiences are finally rid of two of their respective losers, 48 year old Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan and MSNBC’s worse loser, 55 year old Alexander Rae “Alec” Baldwin III. 

Coming on the heels of the departure of 51 year old Martin Bashir from MSNBC last year, it’s great news from TV-Land even if their replacements will probably be as bad, as liberal-leftist, and as nasty as Morgan, Baldwin, and Bashir.

Poor, rejected, dejected Alec is the most recent departee after he was fired in part because his “Up Late with Alec Baldwin” was an abysmal flop but mainly because the much-acclaimed actor had once again violated MSNBC’s cardinal rule of never speaking ill of homosexuals by calling a photographer a “c*ck sucking fag.”

Following his firing, which he attributed mainly to sniping by the station’s proudest resident lesbian, Rachel Maddow, who considered him “equivalent to Mel Gibson,” the petulant Baldwin has decided not only to forever remove himself from television but from New York City and from public life.

In an extended complaint on New York Magazine‘s Vulture blog, Baldwin vented that being labeled a “homophobic bigot” in the media after he was the caught being a homophobic bigot, he announced he was headed for Lala Land since Los Angeles “is a place where you live behind a gate, you get in a car, your interaction with the public is minimal.” 

No doubt stomping his foot as he wrote it, he added, “This is the last time I’m going to talk about my personal life in an American publication ever again.”

So there!

Should Alec Baldwin choose to become a hermit for the remainder of his days, he won’t be missed any more than Martin Bashir or Piers Morgan.  Both of those foreigners have repeatedly showed their contempt for America and Americans over the course of their brief tenures then seemed dismayed that we didn’t much like either them or their shows.

Bashir, the surly, British-born Pakistani and former BBC reporter, showed that biased contempt when he tossed GOP strategist Trey Hardin off his show simply because Hardin had said that our military leaders are critical of President Barack Hussein Obama, which they were and are.  He also actually suggested that the murder of a black Brit teenager in 1993 was somehow related to alleged offensive comments by Republican presidential candidates in 2012!

Absent their husbands, Martin the Basher delighted in ridiculing and slandering women, particularly Republican women . . . (Read more at

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