Friday, February 7, 2014

America's Twisted Higher Education

America's Twisted Higher Education


Outrages spelled out in “Public Schools: Lechers, Diversity, Nudists” are multiplied exponentially in the outrages regularly  committed by students and school administrators in America’s public and private colleges and universities.

For instance, the publicly-funded University of Tennessee (UT), conducts an annual Sex Week, this year replete with a workshop to teach students how to masturbate, as if they need it.  Tennessee’s Sex Week also includes lectures on orgasms as a political act in addition to masturbation techniques.

One event, “Get Wet: Exploring the Connections Between Sexual Pleasure, Health, & Advocacy,” asks students the eternal questions: “When is an orgasm a political act? When is lube a tool of the revolution?” and promises to “demonstrate how three components of sexuality–pleasure, health, and advocacy–flow into one another as we explore a variety of topics centered on reproductive justice and sexual freedom.”

To further advance the educations of UT’s students, Sex Week also teaches students “which sexual health issues are involved in back-door lovin’, why you should care about sex workers’ rights, and how you can defend your own sexual freedom through self-love.”

Not to be outdone, feminist porn star Tristan Taormino will answer any and all student questions, such as, “Can porn be ethical?” “What is ‘good’ porn?” and “why she thinks anti-porn feminists haven’t watched enough porn.” 

With universities like UT, why would America need whore houses?

Undercover media analyst Mark Dice specializes in outing Americans as being out of touch with political and social realities.  Dice recently showed that sad truth in his interviews of young collegians who have as much grasp on reality as the Obama administration.

He was able to garner hundreds of signatures at a San Diego college campus on a fake petition to imprison all legal gun owners, “peasants,” in concentration camps, have them executed, and repeal the Second Amendment.

Dice patiently explained, “We just want to make sure we disarm the citizens. We can trust the government to be the only ones with guns” and that, “These peasants don’t need guns. We want to put all registered gun owners in prison.”  One student replied, “Yes, it’s too dangerous” for people to own guns.

He told another, “We are going to ban all guns except for the military and police.  We’ll do door to door confiscations, we have lists of all the registered weapons, so the military will just go and take those away from people.” Yet another signed the petition, as most did, despite Dice’s suggestion that we confiscate gun owners’ weapons and shoot them with them since, “If they like their guns so much, let’s just feed the gun owners some of their own lead.”

When Dice threw in the absurdity, “We need to take these gun owners and put them into FEMA concentration camps to keep everybody safe,” most students concurred.
hose Dice signatories may simply represent what Rush Limbaugh has described as prime examples of vacuous student “minds filled with mush,” not to mention with their next sexual hook-ups and beer-bong parties, but how do we explain the weird girls at President Obama’s alma mater, Columbia University?

There, a gaggle of five co-eds at Columbia and Barnard College filmed a semi-soft porno film in Columbia’s Butler Library. . . (Read more at

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