Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Public Schools: Lechers, Diversity, Nudists

Public Schools: Lechers, Diversity, Nudists


Recent stories leaking out of public schools, which go out of their way to avoid such leakage since the leaks often reflect badly on school administrations and administrators, demonstrate once again that something is rotten in the formerly great state of education in America. 
With the Third World rapidly catching up and surpassing us in the art of educating children and with our educational establishment–led by left wing extremists in the National Education Association–far more concerned with diversity and propagandizing than learning, it’s no surprise our nation is on a slippery slope toward the scrapheap of history. 

The following only touch on some of the problems facing our kids, our schools, and our country, simply a few illustrations of the gross and systemic failures in our public schools.

For example, in Houston, Pasadena Memorial High School history teacher, 36 year old Paul Edward Tate, is obviously an incurable romantic.  His romanticism, though, wasn’t focused on women his own age but rather on a 16 year old female student on whom he lavished gifts and with whom he was so enamored that he stupidly and repeatedly took her on public dates to his version of fancy restaurants, including a local Olive Garden. 

Someone noticed the two lovebirds at the Olive Garden walking arm in arm and a Pasadena Memorial High assistant principal watched as the teacher bought the student a purse and  a $200 Pandora bracelet, which the girl was wearing when police interviewed her and which Tate told police was a gift for his mother.

Tate is facing felony charges for indecency with a child, having an improper relationship with a student, and carrying on a sexual relationship with a minor.  Depending on the outcome of the investigation, he may soon be joining the ranks of the hundreds of teachers, male and female, heterosexual and homosexual, who are arrested and convicted of similar crimes every year in the United States, almost all of whom were smarter than Tate. (

Most of them conducted their private sex-ed classes a tad more discreetly, like at their homes or in the back seats of their cars.

Continuing the dumbing-down of public education in America, a gifted-and-talented program at New York City’s PS 139 elementary school is going the way of most programs designed to raise the ed-bar by challenging brighter kids so they can reach their highest potential instead of burying them in classrooms filled with current and future miscreants.

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