Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Perils of Presidential Paranoia

The Perils of Presidential Paranoia


The British website explains that “Everybody experiences suspicious or irrational thoughts from time to time.” categorizes those thoughts as paranoid “when they are exaggerated and there is no evidence that they are true.”  Paranoid symptoms include irrational expectations that something bad will happen to you, that others are responsible for whatever happens, and that you harbor baseless  anxieties which may include psychological, physical, or financial harm.

Most of us are familiar with the most common forms of paranoia such as delusional fears of persecution, non-existent conspiracies, and personal threats, all of which are characterized by a general sense of distrust resulting in unfounded accusations–and most of which are reflected in the actions and statements of President Barack Hussein Obama.

Thanks to the Secret Service, the president should certainly have little fear of any imminent personal harm and, thanks to his status as a millionaire,  he should suffer little anxiety over his financial future.

However, the past few weeks have provided unmistakable evidence that Obama and, therefore, we his subjects and our country, are in very serious straits due to our president’s reality disconnect and inability to accept responsibility or blame for anything he does or says.

For example, while entertaining his fellow socialist president, France’s Francois Hollande at Thomas Jefferson’s estate, Monticello, and viewing a terrace from which Jefferson loved to admire the landscape, Obama showed that reality disconnect when he mused to Hollande, “That’s the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want.”

Last I heard, Obama is the elected president of the United States of America and not France’s Louis XVI who was guillotined some 231 years ago by his own people. And, no sane Americans would wish that fate for him–if for no other reason than it would surely ignite a race war.

More importantly, as a much-touted constitutional scholar, Obama had to have been fully aware that he cannot constitutionally do anything he wants.

The only functions granted to the executive branch of our government is for the president to serve as head of state, Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, and to implement and enforce laws written by Congress. 

What is definitely not granted to him are absolutist powers or the right to ignore laws or to write his own, despite his tendency to ignore laws he doesn’t like, bypass congressional law-writing authority through excessive use of executive actions, and re-write and change established law such as his Affordable Care Act.

Those unconstitutional tendencies belie a paranoid personality that seeks refuge from his enemies in extreme delusions of omnipotent grandeur which are reflected in Obama’s thinking he has the powers of Louis XVI, including the power of making laws. 

If the Founding Fathers had wanted another Louis, they would have founded a monarchy instead of a democratic republic.

The president’s pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly provided even more concrete evidence of his paranoia. . . (Read more at

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