Sunday, February 2, 2014

Woody Allen, Hollywood's Favorite Pervert

Woody Allen, Hollywood's Favorite Old Pervert


No one could really know what was going through the mind of 78 year old Woody Allen when Ronan Farrow sarcastically tweeted immediately following last month’s 71st Golden Globes Awards show. 

After Allen received the Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement, Farrow went on Twitter to tweet, “Missed the Woody Allen tribute–did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after Annie Hall?” 

As per habit, Allen didn’t show up for his umpteenth award and dispatched one his idolators, former live-in Diane Keaton of Annie Hall fame, to pick it up.

What Mr. Farrow was thinking in that tweet is pretty obvious, intense musings surely shared by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and, indeed, by all of Hollywood who knew very well what he meant and none of whom saw fit to comment–or refute.  After all, Woody Allen is a living treasure, an unparalled icon in Tinsel Town, and who would dare to be so presumptive as to cite him as a serial child molestor?

Bestowed by the Golden Globes for ”outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment,” the Cecil B. DeMille Award is clearly not based on a recipient’s character and integrity any more than character and integrity influence Oscar nominations.

Similarly, no one can really know what Allen was thinking after he read the account of the former 7 year old, Ronan’s molested woman, published in the New York Times, an open letter written by none other than Ronan’s sister Dylan Farrow, Allen’s reputed biological daughter.

Like the weather, everyone seems to talk about child sex abuse but few people ever do anything about it, least of all in Hollywood where serial pedophilia is virtually endemic.  (See “Woody Allen’s Bloodied Hands and Bloodied Children,” and “Hooray for Hollywood Pedophiles,” 

Farrow’s tweet was quickly dismissed by such Allen-Twitter loyalists as Antonio Vantaggiato who wrote, ”Sorry to hear @RonanFarrow’s rage, and @thelist which fuels it, but Woody is one of the greatest film directors and deserved the tribute,” in essence saying, “So what if he’s a child predator!” . . . (Read more at

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