Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Good-bye, Jay Leno! It Was Sometimes Good to Know Ya!

Good-bye, Jay Leno!  It Was Sometimes Good to Know Ya!  

James Douglas MuirJayLeno is scheduled to depart NBC’s The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, after 20 briefly-interrupted years, on Thursday. 

Headed for some parts unknown and some known, Leno will be sorely missed–especially because his envious nemesis, Dave Letterman, will now have his best chance to rule the late night airwaves for a while as Jimmy Fallon tries to fill Steve Allen’s and Jack Parr’s and Johnny Carson’s and Leno’s oversized shoes.

Contrasted with Letterman, Leno could be considered a moderate prince among men, a shining, objective star among a vast field of liberal television talk-show hosts who pay their dues by sucking up to leftist politicians and by fawning over liberal celebrities, both of which Leno has long done as well–until he read the unmistakable writing on NBC’s corporate wall and figured, What do I have to lose by speaking/joking truthfully for a change? 

Leno and his writers also obviously realized that Barack Hussein Obama was now a lame duck president no longer off-limits for their barbs and could be freely ridiculed, certainly not to extent George W. Bush was mocked throughout his eight years in office but nonetheless gently stung. 

Leno and the liberal-leftists who control the entertainment media had helped elect and reelect Obama by never criticizing him or any of his many gaffes and abject failures felt they could lift his emperor’s clothes and expose him for what he is, within reason. 

After all, they still didn’t want him ridiculed too much, which could damage their well-earned credentials as Democrat Party minions.   

The AP ran a story on Wednesday headlined, “Bill Clinton Was Jay Leno’s Top ‘Tonight’ Target” in which . . . (Read more at

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