Thursday, February 20, 2014

Whoopi Goldberg, Role Model for the Misbegotten

Whoopi Goldberg, Role Model for the Misbegotten

While discussing the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto’s bizarre description of rape last week as a “collision” between two drunk drivers, ABC’s “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg explained to the show’s mostly-female audience of millions that, “If you don’t want this kind of attention, [i.e. getting raped] don’t get poop-faced.”

To emphasize her keen insight, she elaborated, “Do not get poop-faced. Do not become so drunk you don’t know what is happening. When you say ‘x, y, z happened,’ you have no way of proving it. So both parties, if you don’t want the agitation, do not become so drunk you can’t figure out what the hell you’re doing.”

Truer words of wisdom have never been spoken by a self-confessed, dyslexic, “high-functioning” drug addict who once stated on “The View” that women who abort their babies  should be revered for some undisclosed reason and has effectively admitted she is a mass murderess after having had six abortions, a total which may or may not include self-aborting at the age of 14.

Caryn Elaine Johnson’s misbegotten life has been a series of personal and professional failures and by virtual adulation by the liberal-leftist entertainment community in recognition as much for her lib-left political and social views as for her acting achievements thirty years back.

Thrice married, mother of one child, Alexandrea, aka Alex Martin, aka Alex Dean, Goldberg became a grandmother at 34 when her then-sixteen-year-old Alexandra/Alex gave birth to her first granddaughter. (And, congrats to Alexandra/Alex for not following in her mother’s grisly footsteps–to date.)

Rumored to have been the paramour of Ted Danson, among others, the 58 year old weeping, whooping whoopster Goldberg was once believed to be the highest paid actress in Hollywood. 

In 2011, she was racially incensed . . . (Read more at

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