Monday, February 3, 2014

The Angst of Abortion Apologists

The Angst of Abortion Apologists

Liberal-leftists must breathe a deep sigh of relief whenever the annual March for Life in Washington is over and the hundreds of thousand pro-life marchers have gone home and have stopped annoying Congress with their incessant demands that America stop killing pre-born babies for another year.

The relief doesn’t stem from what Pro-Lifers believe.  The pro-abortionist lib-left have long been aware of exactly what the Pro-Life Movement believes.

Even before the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade and related Doe v. Bolton 7-2 decisions when SCOTUS somehow discovered a heretofore unknown right to privacy hidden somewhere in the bowels of the due process clause of the 14th Amendment, a right constitutionally guaranteeing women the unalienable authority to abort their unborn babies, Pro-Lifers had vowed never to never give up the fight to defend all human life and in 1973 vowed to overturn those cockeyed decisions.

No, mostly-Democrat “pro-choicers” aren’t bothered at all by what pro-Lifers say or believe anymore than they’re concerned over by the currently-estimated 55 million legal abortions, and counting, committed in America over the last forty one years.

Admittedly, this is speculative but wouldn’t the task of defending the mass murder of defenseless human babies in their mothers’ wombs weigh heavily on anyone with a soul?  Or, would it cause them to try to rationalize their murderous views in order to preserve whatever was left of their souls?

Rationalization seems to be their defense of choice.

On the 41st anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, President Barack Hussein Obama admirably declared that everyone is entitled to the same freedoms and opportunities to fulfill their dreams–and then recommitted his version of America to Roe v. Wade’s “guiding principle that every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health.”

Our president, the most pro-abortion member of both the Illinois and the United States Senate, may not have struggled an awful lot with the idea of murdering babies.  When he said, ”I’ve got two daughters. . . I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

Obviously, Obama’s concept of “values and morals” does not include respect for the sanctity of human life anymore than it includes “freedoms and opportunities” for the most vulnerable in our society, both female and male . . . (Read more at

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