Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ronald Reagan, America's Greatest President

Ronald Reagan, America's Greatest President

Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, would have been 103 years old this month had he not gone to his heavenly reward ten years ago, a regrettable if inevitable passing.  He was the greatest chief executive in America’s history who even in his dotage could have outshone and outperformed the current occupant of the White House.

All lists of the most influential U.S. presidents in our history are necessarily subjective and most place Abraham Lincoln in the top spot because he preserved the Union during what was easily the worst experience the nation had endured since the American Revolution.

Subjective lists are one thing; terminal asininity is quite another. 

Demonstrating severe deterioration of the cerebral cortex resulting from overdoses of liberal-leftist propaganda, some lists based on the skewed opinions of deluded academics and biased journalists actually omit Reagan entirely from their top 10 presidents and include John F. Kennedy and such people as Woodrow Wilson and William J. Clinton! 

In 2011, Gallup set the record straight with its poll of the people who count, everyday Americans, who chose Reagan as “the nation’s greatest president,” slightly ahead of Lincoln. (

Without taking anything away from Honest Abe . . . (Read more at

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